ÆON Shin-Sapporo Store i Sapporo

JapanÆON Shin-Sapporo Store



🕗 åbningstider

5-chōme-7-1 Atsubetsuchūō 2 Jō, Atsubetsu Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 004-0052, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 11-892-5121
internet side: www.aeon-hokkaido.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.0381825, Longitude: 141.4715845

kommentar 5

  • Groza Subhakty

    Groza Subhakty


    Near the Hotel I stayed, Emisia..5 mnts casual walking distance. Many good Japanese restaurant and there is also the famous Megane Prince Eyewear shop.

  • barry chung

    barry chung


    Aeon shop with the basic stuff ...., not a mall, and hence, it is for people to live nearby for the general household needs

  • Khin Tha

    Khin Tha


    A three-storied building selling a range of items from daily grocery to clothes, etc. Crowded on holidays. Located close to both a subway station and a railways station and the Sunpuazza aquarium. All are connected so can get there rain or sun.

  • andrew harris

    andrew harris


    They have a nice variety of shops, the layout at times it can be confusing as it can feel like a maze.

  • Devin Tai

    Devin Tai



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