Hokuren Shop i 江別市

JapanHokuren Shop



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒067-0065 北海道江別市ゆめみ野東町2
kontakter telefon: +81 11-391-1660
internet side: hokurenshoji.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.1032467, Longitude: 141.5631087

kommentar 5

  • Norio Yamada

    Norio Yamada


    There is a North Pacific Bank ATM, but it is inconvenient because you cannot make a note.

  • 亀谷義之



    There is a wide selection of products, and some sweets are sold separately.

  • masanori hayashi

    masanori hayashi


    The parking lot is quite large. There's a Daiso inside, but it's not a big one, but it's convenient.

  • 週に8日



    I feel very relieved because the store clerk has children. Even when I was staring at the cash register, she was always smiling, and even when I had a surprise question, she answered my question properly while typing at the cash register, and even when I was sealing it up and making it into a bag, I was smiling even though I was having trouble. When I parked in the rooftop parking lot, even though it was during lunch break, someone said to me, ``That way, you're further away from the entrance.'' Of course, all the staff are warm and welcoming to both the elderly and various customers. It gives me a refreshing feeling that they take pride in this work. As for the prices, first of all, Hokuren Shop is particular about domestic products, so it feels more expensive than cheaper places, but once you understand that, you won't have any complaints. Also, daily necessities are sometimes really cheap.

  • ko mi

    ko mi


    North Pacific Bank's ATM has been changed to accepting cards only. It's a little inconvenient because you can't write in your passbook.Vegetables, fresh fish, and meat are great deals.

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