Ryoso Kawaguchi w Hatsukaichi

JaponiaRyoso Kawaguchi


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

469 Miyajimachō, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima 739-0588, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 829-44-0018
strona internetowej: ryoso-kawaguchi.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.2975798, Longitude: 132.3217405

komentarze 5

  • Norman C

    Norman C


    A very nice ryokan with great service. The dinner and breakfast were quite good, and overall was a very good price. There are two private baths that you book with a staff member upon check-in. Was initially afraid the walls would not be good for soundproofing, but ended up sleeping quite well without hearing any other guests (usually I am a very light sleeper) Very convenient location!

  • Lizi Feng

    Lizi Feng


    We had a wonderful stay at Ryoso, not to mention it was a treat to live in a house that's 300 years old. It's right off the main shopping street, popping with food (until 5pm) and literally a 5 min walk to the main attraction (the floating gate). We had the dinner and breakfast combo and it was way worth it! The room was also very great, minimalistic and clean with a view into the small garden. The service was great, very attentive and polite and they also arranged for a private bath! Could not recommend more!

  • Andrew Palmer

    Andrew Palmer


    Superb Ryokan in Miyajima! This was my favorite of the dozen or so places I stayed in 3 weeks in Japan. First, the hospitality was fantastic. Yoko, one of the owners, gave me a map of Miyajima and pointed out her recommendations for sights and restaurants. Second, the property location was great for exploring Miyajima on foot. It is located one street up from the main shopping street. Removed from the commotion of day tripping tourists but still close to the sights and restaurants. Last, the private onsen is a very relaxing way to end the day.

  • Nadia Chang

    Nadia Chang


    Nice and quaint bed and breakfast run by Yoko and her husband. We stayed 2 nights and had dinner at the B&B both nights and it was delicious. They were able to accommodate dietary restrictions- me vegetarian and others in the group does not eat pork or selfish. The location is great and would highly recommend.

  • Rachel Pugh

    Rachel Pugh


    Stayed here for one night with my class on a cultural exchange and it was one of the best experience I’ve ever done. The inn was absolutely beautiful and the staff were so friendly. The rooms were amazing and the bath was immaculate. The island itself was breathtaking, and staying here really added to the magic. We had a delicious evening meal and breakfast, where staff were very accommodating to students with dietary requirements, and again staff were so lovely and funny. Would love to come and stay here again one day!

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