Hotel Miyajima Princess (Adult Only) w Hatsukaichi

JaponiaHotel Miyajima Princess (Adult Only)


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-1-9 Okishioya, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima 739-0443, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 829-50-0205
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.2849572, Longitude: 132.2674359

komentarze 5

  • アーニャ



    Although it is cheap, the room is spacious and clean, but the bathroom is like a unit bath. Unfortunately, the toilet and bath are in the same room. The first part smells like a toilet, probably because of the hot spring water, but it's tolerable. I haven't seen any hair or dust in my room. The bath is great because it warms you from the core with the hot spring effect! Even though it was winter, there was no need for heating due to the effects of the hot springs. The customer service is good, and the female staff are very kind, so you can place your order over the phone with confidence. However, I'm sad that the free cake set for staying guests has suddenly disappeared.

  • ろぴ



    When I was sleeping, a centipede bit my face and I jumped up. The only good thing about it is that there is a water server, but I was so traumatized by the huge centipede that I would never go there again. My eyes are wide and sad. The centipede ran away and is still hiding there. Please be careful of centipedes when using.

  • ちゅんちゅん



    I checked in on a weekday and used it 24 hours a day, and I was very satisfied. First of all, although the building is showing its age, the inside of the building has an Eden-like courtyard that I enjoyed. I could feel the owner's sense of fun. lol Regarding the price, if it is a weekday, the 24-hour stay is as stated on the website (other people have said that the price was different, but perhaps they used it on a holiday or public holiday?). The food was homemade, cheap, and very delicious (the breakfast service was also excellent). There are so many different types that you can have fun with them. I think the room is very clean and you can use it with peace of mind. I would definitely use them again.

  • 田中太郎



    There are a lot of cockroaches in the room, and the cleaning is not very thorough. Also, I was not able to receive the member benefits listed on the homepage...I get the impression that this is a pretty cool place. Well, it's relatively cheap so I don't want to complain, but wouldn't it be better to delete the campaign description that has already ended? ..bitter smileThe thing I hated the most was that the front desk staff said they would check the website once, but they never contacted me (*・ω・) Personally, that's what irritates me the most. Well, it doesn't matter whether it's cheap or not.

  • T T

    T T


    [Hotel] The selling point is that you can stay overnight 24 hours a day. If you pay by card, you'll get 5% off. You can go out by informing the front desk. [Room] There are also Japanese-style rooms. I personally liked that the full-length mirror wasn't exposed. All rooms have a water server. There is a refrigerator and microwave. Air purifier available. [Bathroom] The bathroom has hot spring water, so the water has a slight smell. The bathtub is spacious and has a jetted bathtub. Water pressure◎ Some rooms have unit baths, so it is better to check with the front desk. The toilet doesn't flush very well and gets clogged if you don't pull the lever for long.

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