Aki Grand Hotel w Hatsukaichi

JaponiaAki Grand Hotel


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1-chōme-1-17 Miyajimaguchinishi, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima 739-0412, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 829-56-0111
strona internetowej: www.akigh.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.303876, Longitude: 132.296279

komentarze 5

  • Madhawa Bandara (Maddy)

    Madhawa Bandara (Maddy)


    This is one of the best hotels you can stay if you want to stay a bit away from Hiroshima city and closer to the Itsukushima island. If you book an ocean view room, it comes with a superb view of the Miyajima shrine and the island and the ocean. Also you can book the private onsen facing the ocean which is a really amazing experience

  • DNM



    Shameful, they don't let you use the osen because you have tattoos until there everything is normal, but at check out they make you pay the osen tax, when they haven't even allowed you to enter, REGRETTABLE

  • Kate Prayoonyuang

    Kate Prayoonyuang


    Unfortunately I never got to stay here because of a last minute change in plans, however I do want to comment that the booking process for the rooms, dinner and private onsen and all interactions with staff at every step of the process (including cancellation with a full refund) was fantastic!

  • Omar Siddeek

    Omar Siddeek


    This is possibly the worst hotel I have encountered in Japan. I am currently staying here and it has not been renovated for at least 40 years- the rooms transport you to the at least 1980s. On the plus side this hotel in its current state can be used to film a period drama. The bathrooms although in good working order are extremely old and unappealing and resemble a aeroplane toilet. The rooms are drab and dated. I actually can’t wait to check out and forget the time spent here. The outside of the hotel actually resembles a cross between a prison and a cruise ship. (See photos attached) The hotel is currently hosting a school trip, all I can hear in the rooms is constant shouting and screaming- the staff most likely don’t care. The room itself seem to be clean, and the staff at the front desk were helpful and efficient during check in; and the free shuttle bus to Miyajima ferry port was helpful. Unfortunately the state of the hotel does not make up for this. Fortunately this hotel was cheap, judging by the other reviews I expected this hotel to be poor but it was much worse than I expected. It is such a shame as it has the potential to be a very nice hotel if the ownership/management were willing to invest in a complete top to bottom renovation Japan is an amazing country to visit and Miyajima is a special place. Please do not ruin your experience by staying here

  • Erik Mori

    Erik Mori


    +Private onsen is amazing +Dinner at the Japanese restaurant was traditional and very good +Staff were always friendly and courteous +The robes and room service were top notch -Mosquitoes: we had a rough first night. Our fault for leaving the windows open, but the room was very, very warm. Requested a small fan for the next night, coupled with some repellent we bought, which made it much better. -Not many English speakers on staff while I was there, which, made a few things more difficult (like trying to figure out why our room was so warm). -Shuttle service has no luggage storage area and can get very full around check-in and check-out times. We expected to take it after check-out and it was full so had to wait 30 mins for the next one. A bit unexpected as every other time we took it, it was basically empty. -Hotel bar opens in the morning and closes at 18:30…. As there is nothing else around was a bit inconvenient not to be able to get a drink after dinner. Conclusion: It may seem a bit outdated but take it as part of the charm. Really big and nice facility with some sweet amenities. Not very centrally located and can get a bit warm in the rooms. P.S. The gift shop is independent from the hotel and it offers the luggage transfer service. They unexpectedly closed the day we were leaving and we could not find another place to ship our luggage to Tokyo as the convenience stores and train station only ship locally.

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