Miyajima Seaside Hotel w Hatsukaichi

JaponiaMiyajima Seaside Hotel



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967 Miyajimachō, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima 739-0588, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 829-44-0118
strona internetowej: www.miyajimaseaside.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.3043364, Longitude: 132.3351509

komentarze 5

  • Cara Cragun

    Cara Cragun


    Our stay at Miyajima Seaside Hotel was a huge disappointment. If you are considering it, you should know that this property is old and worn. The staff was welcoming but our room had weird smells, bad/burned out lighting and was basic. The food was mediocre. It's not centrally located. The "view" is not much to speak of. Look instead at the Miyajima Grand Hotel Arimoto. It is the same price, in a better location and would be a much more comfortable stay. The island is charming and worth a visit for one night.

  • Stephane G.

    Stephane G.


    This place is a must stay if you are spending the night in the magical Miyajima Island. It's a traditional japanese inn with everything you need and more, it's a short walk from the ferry station and far from the crowds, but the hotel provides a shuttle service for guests that is super covenient. The room was spacious and comfortable, with a very peaceful view of the sea and the cute deers, and with futon beds that were comfortable, but hard, since it's on the floor. The food was really good, both traditional kaiseki dinner and breakfast. I highly recommend to get these meals, not only for the whole experience but also for the convenience since the places in the city closes very early. The hotel also have an onsen, for women and men, ping pong table, hammock and a souvenir shop. Also I cannot forget to mention about the amazing and kind staff, from the reception to the drivers that took us to the city thank you so much for everything. You made our stay. We wished we have stayed one more day to enjoy more this place.

  • Shruti Chaubey

    Shruti Chaubey


    Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! The location is amazing, they provide pick-up and drop facility. The hotel is too good, very clean, well maintained with an amazing view. The staff is so polite and sweet. Everyone was so nice and responsive. The rooms were Japenesse style and we had also opted for meals. The meals were also traditional style which we loved. They explained us each dish in the menu which helped us to explore food in a better way. While leaving the hotel their staff bid-adieued us till the end, which was so heart touching. Everything was so personalized and sweet which made our stay so so memorable. Thank you to Team Miyajima Sea Side Hotel for this amazing lifetime experience!!

  • R M

    R M


    An “older hotel” that is on the water and has a great view. The hotel itself and the rooms are quite tired and really need a refresh. The included meals were “fair” but not great although my child wasn’t allowed a “second apple juice” at breakfast 🙄 as it wasn’t included in the package. The traditional layout of floor mattress bedding was a novelty for my family and they enjoyed that, although its not for those who don’t like hard sleeping arrangements. The staff were very polite however. Obviously you are paying for the location however I don’t think it is great value for money overall. I would probably suggest a day trip to Miyajima Island is a better option and that’s what we would suggest.

  • Jeen de Boer

    Jeen de Boer


    After the Hilton in Hiroshima (luxury) this was our first experience with a Japanese style hotel. And it was a fantastic experience. From the moment we set foot in the hotel (after changing shoes) we got so much positive attention. Just heart warming. Indeed the hotel is a bit more dated. But it is compensated in atmosphere, and a beautiful Japanese room with a view. Nice (hard) beds. And a fantastic onsen. Our first Japanese type meal was a great experience. The detail of all little pieces of food. The taste, flavors, and the staff, all just great experience. Same for our breakfast. Thank you dear team for a very warm welcome.

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