Miyajima Grand Hotel Arimoto w Hatsukaichi

JaponiaMiyajima Grand Hotel Arimoto


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒739-0522 Hiroshima, Hatsukaichi, Miyajimachō, 南町364
kontakt telefon: +81 829-44-2411
strona internetowej: www.miyajima-arimoto.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.295984, Longitude: 132.3216023

komentarze 5

  • Kyle Clarke

    Kyle Clarke


    The best japanese hotel we have stayed in across two weeks, very well equipped, amazing staff and in a great position to explore the island. Also the multi course dinner and breakfast were so good.

  • D M

    D M


    We've had a lovely time, but for foreigners like us that are used to the European standards of 4* hotels, we were surprised that the highest price room is simply the biggest. We had four rooms for ourselves it was comical. So luxury in Japan = space ( which makes sense). We still enjoyed our time and the amazing miyajima island, but for our next trip to japan we will consider this factor ! The yukatas and the dinner were of very good quality.

  • Cristian Tiffon Camp

    Cristian Tiffon Camp


    Great location, the onsen is good, the room is spacious but old. What this place lacks a lot is the service, really disappointing: 1 They offer a shuttle service, they ask youbto call before boarding the ferry, I tried so, no one answered my calls, had to govwalking there. 2 I booked the option which included the dinner+breakfast, which was fine, just ton find out one drink is not included. I believe this is totally unacceptable with the price they are already charging, to not include at least one drink. At least they should inform in advance. 3 Wheb i told if i could leave a sugestion, which I asked politely and just wanted to suggest them how I feel they could improve their service, they ruddely answered, "we do not take suggestions". Overall, I suggest you to find some other hotel in the island that will likely provide better service. The service recieved was not what I expected of a place of such price.

  • edgar cascón

    edgar cascón


    Great location (close to literally all the main attractions), fantastic staff, spacious rooms, comfortable beds (although you can sleep in a tatami, which our room also had) and access to onsen. It’s vegetarian friendly. For a small additional fee, they prepared a 9 course dinner menu to die for. Definitely, one of the culinary highlights of my trip. Totally worth it.




    The welcome is great, a shuttle picks you up at the ferry. Then a person welcomes you to your room and follows you throughout your stay, for dinner, breakfast etc... The meals are very good and the setting perfect. The bathhouses are great as well. We had two real beds and not futons, which is much more comfortable.

najbliższy Kwatera

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