Ryosaino Oyado Mizuhaso i 廿日市市

JapanRyosaino Oyado Mizuhaso


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Japan, 〒739-0534 広島県廿日市市宮島町西大西町
kontakter telefon: +81 829-44-0173
internet side: mizuhaso.jp
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Latitude: 34.2953675, Longitude: 132.3162227

kommentar 5

  • Jason Kurt

    Jason Kurt


    Very good restaurant 👌 friend had the beef udon which was very good. The oyster curry 🍛 though was amazing!!!! The curry itself was good but the fried oysters were the best I've ever had, and I've lived in the Baltimore & Ft. Lauderdale area. These blow those out of the park. Part of this may be that they farm them right next to the island. So in conclusion if you like fried oysters you MUST come here if you visit miyajima for any reason.

  • Ali Gourley

    Ali Gourley


    This has been my favorite place we’ve stayed thus far on our trip to Japan. The staff was very friendly, the room was spacious and comfortable and the breakfast was absolutely amazing. Two things I really loved - the gift of face lotions and the yogurt at breakfast! So good I am still thinking about it. Highly recommend staying here for a night.

  • Jonathan Meer

    Jonathan Meer


    Great traditional room and a chance to use a traditional bath. The Japanese breakfast was amazing - don't miss it.

  • Michael R.

    Michael R.


    I was in the restaurant in this hotel on a day trip on Miyajima. I got welcomed friendly welcomed and stayed to have lunch. The food is very good and has a good value for the price. The restaurant has a very comfortable atmosphere offside of the tourist streams of the island. I really enjoyed my stay here

  • Fergus White

    Fergus White


    Awesome place! Nice traditional rooms. Amazing breakfast with Japanese and Western options. Vegetarian options available. The location is within walking distance from the ferry but tucked away from the busy areas. No washing machine or dryer but a laundromat is close by.

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