Iwaso i Hatsukaichi



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Japan, 〒739-0522 Hiroshima, Hatsukaichi, Miyajimachō, もみじ谷
kontakter telefon: +81 829-44-2233
internet side: www.iwaso.com
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Latitude: 34.2954442, Longitude: 132.3221783

kommentar 5

  • Mathieu Aribart

    Mathieu Aribart


    A 500€/night ryokan delivering a 250€ experience. After coming many times in Japan, spending one night on Miyajima was supposed to be the highlight of our Chūgoku-region exploration this year. It turned out to be our most disappointing stay. For this special occasion we were indeed ready to pay for excellence, and chose to stay in Iwaso because excellence is what Iwaso claims to offer. 84,000¥ (drinks not included) gets you perfect ryokan experiences anywhere in Japan. We know so because we had them in Gunma, Gifu, Nagano, Kaga or Hakone. However for the kind of money Iwaso is charging, we were disappointed at every turn by the corner-cutting experience Iwaso had to offer. And when confronted with our dissatisfaction, the front desk attitude was at best a confusing « thank you for your feedback », at worst a condescending « that’s your opinion ». Please check the factual pictures of the run-down state of our room, the scratched furniture, not-sliding sliding door & stained linen, and assess if paying 500€ a night (85,000¥) for this is acceptable for you or not. To be fair with Iwaso, this review doesn’t concern their Deluxe cottages (which I’m sure are nice), but the 80s building in which most of their basic guests stay. The location is great. Their dining room staff is lovely and nice. Their ancient lobby & the outside smoking room facing the river are a dream. And the breakfast was amazing. However : + They advertise a luggage pick-up at the ferry terminal at your arrival. We sent them an email the day before to tell them of our ETA… no one was expecting us there & then. + The bathes were good but nothing exceptional in Japan (again : for that price range) + The dinner was so-so, with nice dishes (sashimi, fried oysters) but other completely subpar (rice, soup & tsukemono were average at best) for the price range. + The beds were not proper futons but 5cm thick, uncomfortable cushions. We didn’t sleep well. + The Onsen amenities were minimal and cheap. The room appliances were old -and not in a charming way. The hotel never offered premium green tea but lower quality blends. All of these shortcomings are acceptable when charged 40,000¥. But absolutely not for the price Iwaso is charging. We were frustrated by our time there and it completely tainted our experience of this wonderful island. The hotel rejected our complaints and offered no excuses nor commercial gesture to make up for their shortcomings. Disgraceful.

  • Bruce Goldstein

    Bruce Goldstein


    Thoroughly enjoyed our stay at Iwaso. The staff were incredible, the dining experiences were outstanding, and the location is perfect for exploring the Island. Close enough to Hiroshima for a day trip but a world apart. And the Onsen was delightful!! This is a traditional Japanese Inn so the rooms are small and you sleep on tatami mats. A simply perfect stay!

  • Debby Hyde

    Debby Hyde


    A traditional ryokan in a quiet countryside setting. Close to the sea and mountains it’s an ideal spot for exploring Myajima. The staff were lovely and attentive. Dinner service was excellent. The accommodation is older so don’t expect 5 star modern luxury, rather enjoy the relaxing and serene location with wonderful hospitality.

  • Rayvee



    10/10, adored this Ryokan experience, it was more expensive than what I normally pay for hotels but I would absolutely go back next time I visit! Staff speaks good english and everything gets explained very well. Facilities are clean and the room/tatami mats are comfortable.

  • margaret shao

    margaret shao


    The hotel is lovely with a great hot spa bath. The room is traditionally tatami setup. Dinner and next day breakfast is included. I didn't like the sashimi at dinner. It's too tough to chew. Other than that, it's all good.

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