Jukeiso i Hatsukaichi



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南大西町-50 Miyajimacho, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima 739-0533, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 829-44-0300
internet side: miyajima-jukeiso.com
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Latitude: 34.2947503, Longitude: 132.3169657

kommentar 5

  • Lucile Roose

    Lucile Roose


    What a perfect stay! We had the deluxe meal plan and the food was absolutely incredible. The room with sea view allowed us to enjoy a great sunset and a relaxing late afternoon. The staff was very friendly and made us very comfortable. Highly recommend!

  • Jerome Mo

    Jerome Mo


    Not the newest hotel in town but probably one with the most awestruck view of the torii, the pagoda and the thousand tatami shrine building and the miyajima bay. The rooms are clean and with all amenities needed and then some. Perched up at foot of the hill at the west end of the town, it boasts large traditional tatami rooms. It is one of the larger hotels on the island with full service restaurant and two onsens (private and public). The staff were super nice and made our rooms and futons daily (like a turndown service). The lady brought and served us welcome tea, and even helped to dress my son up in the tradition hukata for a stroll in town. They have shuttle service and offers free pick up from the ferry as well, but we didn't want to pass up any chance to walk through the town so we took our time strolled up. It is a very manageable short walk if you don't get distracted. 15 min door to door from ferry building. Highly recommended to all!

  • Christina Garbe

    Christina Garbe


    Probably the best hotel on the island. We were so wowed by the ryokan when we showed up by its location and views. You can see all of the inhabited side of the island, the Tori and we were right over top of the huge cherry blossom park. You have so much room compared to normal hotels throughout Japan. We were able to reserve a private onsen session here which was great since my husband has tattoos and there were few onsens we were able to go in. We did not have the food at the ryokan, we chose to dine out at the local eateries. Would highly recommend. Everyone was very friendly, place was very clean, and you couldn’t beat the location. What a gem.

  • Bianca Coats

    Bianca Coats


    Best view on the island. Lovely ryokan room, slept on the futons, private and public baths. (Public ones are separated male and female). Great location to everything on the island. Amazing dinner and breakfast. The staff is so friendly and helpful. Nothing bad to say. Highly recommend ! Free shuttle from and to ferry. The staff is so so kind. Carrying our heavy bags.

  • Marcella Y.

    Marcella Y.


    This ryokan gets 2 stars for a spectacular view and clean room. However, customer service was very poor and it left a bitter taste in my mouth. There is a huge staircase leading up to the entrance, but no one to help with luggage. Once we got to the front desk, we were initially told that food was included. And I SWORE that I booked dinner and breakfast meals online. Once in the room, we were told that no meals were included and that we paid “bare bones” price for this room. We paid almost $300 for one night. They didn’t do anything to accommodate. All restaurants on the island close by 5 so we had to walk 20 minutes to the only convenience store on the island and grab food. Upon checkout we were asked if we drank anything from the mini bar. I said we had a water and sports drink, but that I accidentally opened the sports drink thinking it was water. Didn’t matter. We got charged for both drinks. Again, given the amount of money I paid to stay here, not even including 1 free water bottle a night is a disgrace. Felt like a money grab. View was awesome, service was not.

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