Kikunoya i Hatsukaichi




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335 Miyajimachō, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima 739-0588, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 829-40-2400
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.2942435, Longitude: 132.3214095

kommentar 5

  • Ariane



    Relaxing stay Clean and superb onsen Accommodating staff Food (dinner and breakfast) were great too! Felt relaxed and worry free throughout our stay 👍👍👍

  • Beatrice Pazzucconi

    Beatrice Pazzucconi


    Very nice hotel staff, western style rooms are a bit old but well maintained

  • Doa Erkan Dozzo

    Doa Erkan Dozzo


    The hotel is lovely with friendly staff. However, the breakfast is limited to what is provided without the option to request additional items like juice or bread. Moreover, prior to dinner, strict confirmation was required, unlike our experiences at other traditional hotels in Kyoto and Fuji where this was not the case. The price and the service provided do not match at all.

  • Drew Carroll

    Drew Carroll


    Honestly a great place to stay if you plan to enjoy all Miyajima has to offer. Quick walk to both the shrine and up the hill to Momiji Park and the ropeway. Our room was a great size, and the onsen baths were wonderful. Well maintained and the outdoor bath was the perfect temperature. Also we let them know last minute that we needed vegetarian breakfast (I forgot it was included so neglected to tell them in advance). And they still had it handled by the next morning! Great service. The footbath out front is a nice bonus, and even when the cafe is closed you can ask at the front desk and they'll bring out drinks for you to enjoy while you soak. There's a microwave next to the vending machines, handy if you bring your own dinner like we did since places close so early on the island. They also sell local beer and other alcohol at the front desk to bring to your room. They picked us up at the ferry terminal after a quick phone call (just arrive before 19:00), and after holding our bags all day they brought us back there when it was time to depart. Overall we'd stay again!

  • Kate Barkley

    Kate Barkley


    A really beautiful hotel in Miyajima, walking distance from most sights in the town. Our room had a lovely view of the O-torri gate which was very special. We stayed in a traditional Japanese room which was very beautiful and a good experience. We are not from Japan, so I do wish we had looked up some of the etiquette for Japanese style rooms beforehand. There were some things we did not know and I would want to avoid offending the staff, who were all so kind and accommodating. The dinner and breakfast were very delicious and included a lovely assortment of seasonal fish. The hotel also offers a shuttle from the ferry, which was very nice.

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