Ranpu en Okayama




🕗 horarios

2-chōme-11-23 Nakasendō, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0964, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 86-250-1015
sitio web: www.ranpu.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6460554, Longitude: 133.8839211

comentarios 5

  • Rie



    The inside of the restaurant is built like an old folk house and is spacious, with plenty of seating. The interior of the store is based on black, giving it a calm and luxurious atmosphere. There is a large parking lot, so you can feel safe even if you come by car. It's open from 6am, and in the morning, your drink comes with toast✨There were about 5 types of toast, including egg sandwich, egg toast, and cinnamon. The cups, towels, etc. were all original lamps and were so cute✨ There was also a dessert and light meal menu, so I'd like to come and try other menu items!




    I've always wanted to come here, so I came here for the first time after lunch♪ Looks like it opens at 6:30 in the morning! The parking lot is large. There are also non-smoking seats. The inside of the store is spacious and doesn't feel out of place. The coffee cups weren't the same either, so that was a good thing. I feel like the coffee is a little bitter!

  • orange sugar

    orange sugar


    I came here for the first time to get coffee after lunch. The parking lot was large and easy to get into. The inside of the store was large, and there was a separate room for those who smoked. There were hot sandwiches and cakes, but I was full from lunch, so I only had coffee. I ordered the lamp regular hot. I usually drink it black, but it felt a little too strong for me, so I added milk to it. Comes with beans written as [Lamp] ♥ It was a shop with a nice atmosphere and a relaxing place to enjoy coffee.

  • いぬなす



    We arrived before 11am and the seats were filled with quite a lot of people. The parking lot is large and can accommodate quite a few cars. I used it for breakfast and ordered my favorite cinnamon toast. The exquisite flavor of butter and cinnamon went well with the irresistible coffee (*'▽'*) and it was delicious. There are several of Yumeji's paintings displayed inside the store, which is very nice! Morning while looking at The lighting was neither too bright nor too dark, creating a nice atmosphere. The cups are cute and can be enjoyed by the eyes╰(*´︶`*) I'm sure it's a restaurant where you can feel relaxed even if you come alone. By the way, they seem to open from 6am.

  • 愛な



    I visited with my mother because a friend recommended it. It wasn't on the main street, but a little further down the street, but it was a large building, so I found it easily. The parking lot was more than half full, but it was spacious and easy to park 🚗³₃ There was a morning menu until 12 noon. Ordered Rampu Regular and Azuki Toast ☕️🍞 The atmosphere was good and I was able to spend a relaxing time ( ¨̮ ) It was really delicious 😋 It's suitable for breakfast or after-meal dessert, but it may not be suitable for lunch or dinner.

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