faim de loup en Okayama

Japónfaim de loup



🕗 horarios

26-101 Toiyachō, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0977, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 86-250-1152
sitio web: faimdeloup.gorp.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6446791, Longitude: 133.8880046

comentarios 5

  • 越智淳士



    I used it for dinner yesterday. The next day was my girlfriend's birthday and I wanted her to prepare a birthday plate, and even though I made a reservation two days in advance, they kindly accommodated me. The restaurant had a nice atmosphere, and we both ordered today's quiche and seasonal quiche. We also ordered drinks and both were very delicious. After I finished eating the food, I asked, as if on cue, "Is this correct, Mr. ○○?" She was surprised to receive a birthday plate right after that. We were given a surprise fruit tart with our name on it. The dinner went off without a hitch, much to her delight. During dinner, candles are lit and the atmosphere is great. The restrooms were stylish and the staff was great. It was a store that I would want to come back to next time. I don't usually write reviews, but I was so impressed that I wanted to write one. This is a store that I would like everyone to visit.

  • 龍虎



    Today I had lunch with a friend from work 🍽️ Order seasonal quiche✨ The cheese was so rich that I don't know how to describe it, but it was a strange food! The inside of the store was antique and cute ♡

  • minoru ueshima

    minoru ueshima


    As for access, there is no problem as it is located in the fashionable (to my mind) Toiya-cho area of ​​Okayama. There was a large coin parking lot, so I didn't have any problems parking. When I arrived at the store, I took a photo of the exterior and entered the store! yeah? that? It's dark 💦 huh? holiday? I stopped thinking for a moment, but there were stairs in front of me! Oh, it's on the second floor lol I go up the stairs excitedly. Wow! I really like the atmosphere inside the store! There were already many people there, but I was alone! Please guide me smoothly lol But I wonder if it's just my imagination that I sometimes feel a draft in my heart? lol You will be asked if you would like to use the cafe or for meals, and if you tell them that you would like to eat, they will bring you a menu. I knew that this restaurant was famous for its quiche, so I decided to try it this time. I ordered today's quiche, bacon and potato with honey mustard, as a drink and dessert set. When I looked around at the customers, it seemed like a fairly wide range of age groups were using it...but there were! Oh, it was here too! Yes, couples💢 a~! I feel irritated for the first time in a while lol They must be giggling at me anyway... so paranoid lol As I waited while clicking my tongue (joking), the appetizers and soup were brought to me. Delicious! Yes, I will leave the couple alone and concentrate on the meal lol The quiche arrived just after we finished our appetizers. I thought to myself, ``Oh, the tableware with the quiche on it?'' Board? It has a nice handle, it looks like a club to me, and I can use it to kill them all...lol The quiche is also delicious! Fluffy! At first I thought it was small, but when I ate it, it felt quite voluminous. Wow, I'm sorry you had to eat such a fancy meal by yourself, but I ate it in full servile mode for the first time in a while, but it was really delicious lol It was eaten in no time and the taste was just as good as the rumors had said! Finish the meal with coffee and gateau chocolate♪ The store is set up on the second floor, and the spacious space gives it a slightly unusual feel, and together with the delicious food, it was a satisfying lunch. Faim de loup, it was delicious! Thank you for the meal 😋

  • Peggy Lui

    Peggy Lui


    Nice Environment and foods Delicious

  • Rob Waring

    Rob Waring


    Service slow and very disorganized when people are waiting. They need a board to write names on. The food is good but is annoying to wait 30 mins only to find 4 empty tables ready for guests when we walk to the table. They may have been short of staff but they could do better. It won’t stop me going again one day. Came another day and everything was fine.

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