La Vie En Cafe en Okayama

JapónLa Vie En Cafe



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1-chōme-1-15 Marunouchi, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0823, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 86-227-2237
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6651105, Longitude: 133.9306893

comentarios 5

  • 長谷川洋一



    finish work early in the morning very dark roasted coffee and paperback A miraculous moment while on a business trip

  • ソマリア市民研究所



    We are open from the beginning of the year. The taste of the deep-roasted coffee served in the Taisho era building, the Temperance Hall, which is unique in Japan, was also exceptional. The second floor of the hall can also be used as a choir or conference room (1,000 yen per hour).

  • Shingo Nakamura

    Shingo Nakamura


    Even though I pass by the store often, and I often hear the name of the store from acquaintances and friends, why have I never been there before? A store I've always wanted to go to. The inside of the store isn't very large, but it doesn't feel cramped, perhaps because the ceiling is high or because you can clearly see the courtyard from the windows at the end. Also, since no background music is played, it creates a calm atmosphere that makes you forget about the hustle and bustle outside. The coffee is dark roasted and I personally think it goes well with milk. The taste and scent you like. The cup and saucer are cute and taste even better. Payment is in cash only. I bought some beans to take home. I bought it thinking it must be delicious, so I'm looking forward to it.

  • kyouji kirioka

    kyouji kirioka


    It's located at the Temperance Hall. A strong shop that only competes with coffee You can drink coffee quietly in a calm atmosphere. It's comfortable

  • 小倉恵美



    The! Retro! ! Na A restaurant with taste. Master and mother? These are people who further enhance the atmosphere of the store. I wish there was a place like this in Okayama. I feel like I'm in another space

Cafetería más cercano

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