Honest Coffee en Okayama

JapónHonest Coffee



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒700-0982 Okayama, Kita Ward, Nakashimadachō, 2-chōme−2−2 HONEST COFFEE
contactos teléfono: +81 86-231-1177
sitio web: honest-coffee.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6584267, Longitude: 133.9120472

comentarios 5

  • Yuki Yoshioka

    Yuki Yoshioka


    Recommend the breakfast set! Decent bang for your buck - toast is solid 🍞

  • すずめちゅんちゅん



    Visited before 10am on weekdays after touring the site. It was so busy that there was only one empty seat at the counter. I had the day off, so I woke up gracefully! Free refills of hot coffee for 680 yen! I went home, took a nap until the evening, and was able to spend a fulfilling day lol.

  • おのぴーママ



    I went to Okayama series ⑩ Visited the store on March 25, 2024. I was looking for a breakfast place near Okayama Station and found this restaurant. The word “honest” is irresistible to EXILENAOTO fans, which is known only to those in the know🧡🧡 It's exactly the kind of shop for me, and even though it's more than a 15-minute walk from Okayama Station, I decided to give it a try. It was more reasonable than I expected and there were more customers than I expected. It seems that the price of breakfast will go up from April 1st, but it is still really reasonable and delicious. Coffee beans were also cheap, and it seemed like they were 20% off on that day. The staff were also very nice, and even though they didn't know about Honest Boys (lol), they responded to my request to share the bags. If you're nearby, this is the store you'll want to visit. When I come to Okayama again, I will stop by. *I chose Atmosphere 3 because it's a bit far from Okayama Station and difficult to find. The atmosphere is very relaxing, so please give it a try.

  • Claire Tyrrell

    Claire Tyrrell


    Local cafe' serving lovely food. I had a sandwich, but locals were eating noodles. Not many seats are available when i arrived such is the popularity. High-end cafe. Very nicely presented. Staff were very welcoming.

  • Andrew




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