PL Hospital w Tondabayashi

JaponiaPL Hospital



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2204 Shindō, Tondabayashi, Osaka 584-8585, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 721-24-3100
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 34.5095256, Longitude: 135.587297

komentarze 5

  • ゆっきぃ



    I was hospitalized for cataract surgery. The room was clean and the food was delicious. The doctors are very good, and the nurses and nursing assistants are all kind and I'm very satisfied. If something were to go wrong again, I wanted to be admitted to this hospital.

  • ゆきみい



    A relative was admitted to an orthopedic clinic, but the treatment was the worst. The doctor was hospitalized for less than two weeks and only saw his face twice. According to the nurse, they are kind to patients who have undergone surgery at this hospital. If there is something that the doctor doesn't like, ask him to leave! My family received a phone call with a huge sword, and I was trying to protect myself because it would be noisy if I complained to the regional cooperation office. Why don't PL hospitals train doctors to the point where the person in charge at the hospital before the transfer takes over from the person in charge at the PL hospital if the doctor seems to have changed when transferring? Rehabilitation was terrible, and she was made to practice taking a bath in a place with no handrails. When she complained that she was scared, she was told that she had ``disobeyed instructions.'' Moreover, he was unable to get out of the bathtub on his own and had to be held in his arms. Even though I asked for consideration from the beginning because I have poor eyesight and hearing, nothing has changed. In the end, I was forced to leave the hospital without even being able to receive proper rehabilitation. I A relative's spouse was crying after being yelled at by the doctor and panicked. I would be in trouble if the doctor did something to me, so I decided to write this post a while after I was discharged from the hospital so that he wouldn't contact me later or tamper with the medical certificate. This is my first time seeing such a terrible doctor and rehabilitation staff. If you don't like getting complaints that much, you should just do something to prevent complaints from happening in the first place. Isn't it strange that the doctor has changed his precautions when transferring hospitals, so it seems better not to worry about it? If you're concerned about your reputation, I'd like you to act with a little more common sense, and I'd like the organization to provide you with more education. At least I don't want to have anything to do with Dr. I again. This is the first time I've ever heard a doctor tell a patient's family to take away their smartphone because they don't want someone to complain on social media.

  • ゆき



    My first visit was for a medical checkup. Every corner of the hallway was very clean, and all the receptionists, nurses, and technicians were polite. It was true that I had to wait a while, but I didn't mind because I was called while I was watching TV or flipping through magazines in the waiting room. It's better to get it checked out properly. Did the technician encourage you to take Valium, which you are not good at? It was okay.

  • Beatriz Rangel Martins Ohy

    Beatriz Rangel Martins Ohy


    My daughter had an allergic reaction to formula milk and was seen by Doctor Nishimura. He speaks very good English and was very thoughtful when talking to us. I would definitely recommend this hospital.

  • 亀澤勉



    Regional base hospital along with Tondabayashi Hospital It is a medical institution that is trusted as 🎵 To go to the hospital, take the Nankai bus towards Kongo Station. Kintetsu bus goes towards Tondabayashi Station. It runs for free 🎵 Parking is spacious and free for patients for 5 hours. Visit the general public for free for 30 minutes and show your parking ticket at the general reception.

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