Sakai City Medical Center w Sakai

JaponiaSakai City Medical Center



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-1-1 Ebarajichō, Nishi Ward, Sakai, Osaka 593-8304, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 72-272-1199
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.5395297, Longitude: 135.4712786

komentarze 5

  • 南


    My child was taken care of for tumor surgery. The doctors and nurses treated me well after I was admitted, but during the pre-admission blood test, the nurse (perhaps a pediatric nurse?) made a mistake and my blood clotted, so I had to redo it. I was confused because they didn't say it was a mistake even though it was a mistake, and I couldn't stand watching it because it was called out so many times.

  • 村田雄治



    Hospitalized for pelvic surgery. Beautiful hospital room, inside the hospital. A fully stocked hospital store. There are some things that are just big. The surgery itself went well (I think), but I was still left with some numbness in certain areas. I tried nerve blocks, but they didn't work... Also, the doctor who gave me the nerve block was probably my first time, so he checked with an experienced doctor nearby as he performed the procedure. Oh? Am I a lab bench? Like. It made me smile. The post-surgery rehabilitation doctor was very skillful and understood my concerns while making sure to move my body...I was a little impressed. I think it was because of this person that I was able to walk quickly. thank you very much! Of course, the nurses took good care of me and made my stay comfortable. I was able to do my best with everyone's encouragement and kindness! The evaluation may vary depending on the doctor, but for me it was a very good hospital.

  • anne macapagal

    anne macapagal


    The Hospital very Clean and Staffs very friendly and Doctors are young😅Im foreigner they talk to me slow and a little english speaking. I was emergency yesterday because of my influenza🥹Thank you to all of you! God bless!

  • 匿名



    The doctor who diagnosed me tries to operate without INFORMED CONSENT.

  • かおりんOSAKA,JP



    Three years ago, I was rushed to the hospital due to breathing difficulties, but the patient was given an inappropriate examination (missing pneumonia). Maybe it was because I was on night shift at a large hospital, but they didn't even measure my blood oxygen level. It's a hospital with bad memories, This time, during a medical checkup at the Hanwa Intelligence Center, it was discovered that I had a suspected head aneurysm, and I was referred to this hospital. I will be indebted to a neurosurgeon...Both the doctors and nurses were very attentive and accurately proposed a treatment plan that made sense to my nervous self. I received it. It seems safe to go to the hospital. The hospital is well-equipped with information boards and maps, making it easy to move around the large facility without getting lost. There's Family Mart and Doutor, so you won't have to worry about waiting time. Even if you end up in the hospital, it looks like you'll be able to stay comfortably.

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