Yuaikai Hospital w Osaka

JaponiaYuaikai Hospital



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3-chōme-5-10 Hamaguchinishi, Suminoe Ward, Osaka, 559-0006, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 6-6672-3121
strona internetowej: www.sanwakai.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.6078447, Longitude: 135.4847437

komentarze 5

  • 河野健次郎



    I felt numbness in the fingers of my left hand, and when I learned about this hospital through the emergency response hospital inquiry, I made a telephone inquiry and was told that I would be examined immediately, so I took a taxi to the hospital.After arriving, I accurately measured my blood pressure and temperature. . Due to the urgent medical examination and high blood pressure condition, brain CT and MRI tests were quickly performed, and a small cerebral hemorrhage was discovered. I was immediately hospitalized. In my case, the symptoms were mild, and I was able to be discharged from the hospital in about a week after managing my high blood pressure, taking dietary therapy, and checking for rebleeding. While I was in the hospital, my symptoms were mild, so I received rehabilitation and nutritional guidance on foods that can cause high blood pressure. Rehabilitation physical therapists provide enthusiastic treatment and want to make patients feel better! I received a treatment that conveyed my feelings. Also, what about QOL after being discharged from hospital? The other ones have been well thought out. thank you very much.

  • りりん



    I mean my husband. I'm glad that the teacher in charge talked to me well. The man in charge of the MRI test today treated me very poorly. My 78-year-old husband told me things like, ``Take off your clothes over there!'' and ``Sit here!'' in a casual manner. This time I didn't say anything to him, but next time I'm talking to my husband to make it clearer. I'm sure that's the attitude people have. I hope he sees this post and reflects on himself.

  • るうさん



    I was rushed to the hospital after being hit by a car and was told that this was the only hospital I could go to. I was in pain everywhere and it wouldn't be strange if I had broken bones, but if I was hospitalized it would cost 13,000 yen, but is that okay? Even though I am the victim of an accident We're always talking about money and I don't have any money at the moment, what should I do? Sometimes I don't even have 1 yen? What about the insurance card? I was told that I had obviously come in due to a traffic accident, so even though it would be covered by insurance, the doctor's examination was normal, all we talked about was money, but even when X-rays were taken, my body hurt and I couldn't move. I was punched in the cold and my clothes were all crumpled. Is there a reception desk after the medical examination? I don't know, but I was told that in the case of a traffic accident, the fee would be 30,000 yen. Even though I had already been told that I would not be allowed to go home unless I paid, they still wouldn't let me go home. Even though the person at the accident and the police told me that the insurance company would take care of it, they said they couldn't trust me and told me to pay by the end of the day. I was also made to sign a copy of my driver's license as collateral. This is the first time I've been to a hospital that doesn't trust either the police or the patients and is only concerned with short-term money. I was worried about the accident, and even though I was the victim, I was threatened with money, which made me feel very uncomfortable. I understand why the hospital is empty. From my point of view, I got run over and before I knew it I was in the hospital. I was told it was 30,000 yen just for a bandaid and a bandaid, so I thought it was a new kind of scam. sad.

  • MM MZ

    MM MZ


    I haven't been able to transfer or contact the doctor and nurse, and they didn't even tell me that the schedule had changed until I asked. When I requested the documents to be submitted to the company, I was told, ``It will take about 2 to 3 weeks. I will contact you when they are ready.'' But they ignored me for over a month, and when I contacted them, they said, ``It's not ready yet, so please wait for about 20 days.'' .We have not contacted you.'' was the reply. No words of apology whatsoever. Coordination with medical administrative staff is not possible at all. There were many discrepancies in the medical certificate between what I received in the doctor's office and what I confirmed over the phone in advance. I was hospitalized because I needed surgery, but to be honest, I was worried about the surgery, so I recommend another hospital.

  • やゆ



    I had a fever and shortness of breath for several days, so I called in the morning to see if I could see a doctor, and I was told to come in on time at 10:30, so I went on time. After waiting for nearly 30 minutes, I was asked to move to a different location, and waited for another 30 minutes in a temporary tent.The doctor finally arrived and completed the examination in about 5 minutes with a simple interview and a PCR test. ``If you feel unwell, please go to the hospital again.'' What? ? Is this a hospital? ? I'm here because I'm not feeling well! ! I waited for more than an hour in the tent waiting room to get the prescription, and when I finally got the medicine, there was no antipyretic medicine, only an inhaler to dilate the bronchial tubes, so I asked the pharmacy to go to the hospital again, and this time I was in front of the pharmacy. Waiting wasted my time and energy, which made me even sicker. However, the money collection was faster than any other hospital I've been to so far lol.

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