Osaka General Medical Center w Osaka

JaponiaOsaka General Medical Center


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3-chōme-1-56 Bandaihigashi, Sumiyoshi Ward, Osaka, 558-8558, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 6-6692-1201
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Latitude: 34.6166526, Longitude: 135.5054791

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  • ハチワレプリンセス



    ↓This is my impression after being hospitalized.↓ (If you have a family member with an elderly person, please let them read it.) [Nurse's temperature and blood pressure measurement] Chatting unrelated to illness, etc. Stop holding back busy nurses. I heard a male patient talking from another hospital room. I can hear it very well.The nurse is a hostess. No, I'm busy, so let me go. For nurses to work smoothly Elderly people should only answer what is asked. Please explain your physical discomfort in an easy-to-understand manner. Don't talk about unrelated things for a long time.The introduction is long. In response to the question “Did you get through today?” ``Last night, once after dinner, I wanted to put it out this morning, but it didn't come out." →What I'm being asked is about today's story. Then, tell me whether you appeared today or not. YES or NO. Simple for constipation Tell them, ``I haven't been out for XX days.'' I'll give you medicine. [About blood collection] Blood sampling by people in the outpatient blood collection room is painful, but Blood drawing by the ward nurses doesn't hurt at all. Are the needle thicknesses different? It doesn't hurt as much as you think! (The blood collection room is especially painful for middle-aged men. When I hit that person, I was amazed.) [About hospital food] I was able to get enough vegetables and was very satisfied. Sometimes I wonder, “Why do I use that ingredient?” Did you use that seasoning? ” There is a mysterious menu. Especially the edamame corn and grated radish in vinegar. The most disgusting and mysterious menu. It's not like fried edamame corn with butter. The mystery of making vinegar. ``Simmered mackerel in miso'' is incredibly bitter. The same goes for the mackerel itself, and even the remaining juice is bitter. I wonder how they can make it so bitter. Seasonings for when the taste is weak Large amount of furikake, Korean seaweed furikake We recommend that you bring your own. (Breakfast was really bland, everything else was average) Packed milk is served for breakfast. Cookies if you don't like milk It is better to prepare something to accompany the milk. [Meal preparation] I was able to move, so I lowered it myself. After lowering the price, I asked about 2 people, ``Are you done eating?'' People come to ask me. [Drinks during hospitalization] Water/hot water/cold tea/warm tea You can drink it for free. We recommend bringing a large cup. 【Facility】 There is a microwave and toaster. Bring Saran wrap and aluminum foil. [Shower room] Body soap, shampoo and conditioner It can be used for free. Usage time is 30 minutes per person The available hours vary depending on the day of the week. 【laundry】 Bring your own laundry detergent. A washing machine and dryer can be used for a fee. 【lounge】 TV/Public phone/Vending machine/ There is a TV card vending machine (1000 yen per card). 【toilet】 It's beautiful, spacious, and easy to use. However, because of the urine test, it was on the toilet seat. Please be careful as there may be urine on it. There is also a faucet that dispenses lukewarm water, which is convenient. A room near the toilet The old man puts it out when he gargles. You can listen to the sound of cake-cup-pettu-ka- as much as you want. What are you squeezing out so much? That's about to say He's desperately coughing up phlegm or something. I can't hear that sound from the women's restroom. I often hear this noise coming from the men's restroom after meals. I can hear it. It's unpleasant. Be quiet. Wake up early (like 5:00) before your wake-up time Stop talking loudly in the toilet. I wake up because I hear a voice. At least do it after your waking hours, elderly people. [Hospital room] Patients hospitalized for a short period of time for ○ surgery It's nice to meet you for the first time, and we're excited in the hospital room. Please excuse me from continuing to talk so loudly. The patient in the hospital room is not hospitalized for surgery. There are also patients who are seriously ill and need to be hospitalized for long periods of time. If you want to talk, go to the common room. A person who sleeps with a groaning sound (Katasrenia) I was so tired of sleeping and groaning during the day. When the nurse and I were having an important conversation "Excuse me" from outside the curtain. There are elderly people who call out to me over and over again, which makes me nervous. When other people are talking, You should stop talking to me. (Because it's too persistent In the end, he stopped talking to me, The nurse was listening to the elderly person.) ↑And that's a ridiculous story. It's not an urgent matter, so let's leave it for later. Making loud noises before lighting up (waking up) in the morning I was fiddling with my locker and it was rustling. You should stop making noise, elderly people. That's why I wake up. Elderly people are comfortable making phone calls in their hospital rooms. Even though he can move, he doesn't move outside the hospital room. Don't you have common sense? During the day, outside of meal times, and after lights out Even though I was sleeping and snoring loudly, The nurse asked, "Are you sleeping?" If you are asked this, you will say that you can't sleep. What do elderly people do? Well, if you sleep during the day, you won't be able to sleep at night. Even though it costs medical expenses I went out of my way to get sleeping pills and I was like, wow. Even though I snore loudly at night and sleep soundly. Seriously, I only slept for about 4 hours? Do you feel like you're dreaming even when you're awake? Also, I woke up in the toilet. Difficulty falling asleep again is called ``I can't sleep.'' Stop reporting it. Infants and growing children should sleep all the time. Young people in their prime of life and middle-aged people need at least 8 hours. Elderly people who do not move during the day and cannot sleep at night You really don't have to force yourself to sleep. If you want to sleep at night Try walking or spending time on hobbies. What if you move your brain and body during the day? When I can't sleep at night Killing time on my smartphone like a young person Since I can't do it, I'd rather go to sleep. I don't have much free time. It's called insomnia, but Insomnia in people who are exhausted from working during the day Insomnia in people who don't move during the day is different. The working generation is the former, and the elderly are the latter... For now, move your brain and body. [To visitors and families of hospitalized patients] Please refrain from talking for more than 30 minutes in the hospital room. Visitors should not eat or drink in the hospital room. Go home. I was just hospitalized for a surgery that only took about 30 minutes. Don't come here like every day. The family of the inpatient (A) undergoing surgery in ○ I come here almost every day, whispering next to me. I kept talking and it made me uncomfortable. Moreover, I eat it every time. What do you talk about so much? I'm in the hospital for a surgery that takes about 30 minutes. But why do so many people come? Hospitalized patient (B) undergoing ○ surgery (↑same as above) On the first day of hospitalization, I brought two family members with me. He didn't return even after more than 30 minutes. (Maybe he was there for an hour) Even after I finished explaining my hospitalization, I didn't go home. My daughter was complaining about work in the hospital room, but I had to go home. Is your son a rice ball? I was eating, but I had to go home. What, the whole family is relaxing in the hospital room? He's loud, he eats and drinks, and it's just the worst. The meeting time is 30 minutes. Okay, go home.

  • N T

    N T


    The other day, my mother had to undergo surgery for colon cancer, and the nurses in the east ward on the 10th floor took great care of me. She carefully explained any questions we had and the professional response from the doctors and nurses made my mother and our family feel at ease on the day she was discharged from the hospital. thank you very much.

  • 雨


    Visited pediatrician as an emergency. She had a fever of 40 degrees Celsius and vomited repeatedly for several days, and even though she went to the hospital many times, she did not get better, and she started feeling exhausted, so she went to the emergency room. I explained the circumstances, but it was night time and a young doctor and nurse were in charge. They didn't do any proper testing, they sent me back to see how they were, and a nurse followed me out the door, and on the way home, it's normal for a child to have a fever of 40 degrees Celsius, so please don't come to the emergency room for something like that. Please go to a hospital that is open at night. They said. A nurse tells me not to come to the emergency room even though my condition is getting worse. The next day, his condition did not improve, and he was able to make an appointment again just in time to see a pediatrician. Immediately a blood test and a CT scan were performed, followed by an emergency transport to a specialized hospital by ambulance. The doctor and nurse in charge that day took good care of me, and the doctor who examined me also accompanied me in an ambulance, and from there I was hospitalized for a month at a specialized hospital. I still can't forget that nurse. I think parents know their children best. If you have any doubts, it's best to tell your doctor or nurse clearly and ask them to change it. To protect the life of a child. I hope that the hospital staff will also read the opinions written by others and make improvements.

  • 高岡幸司郎



    If the hospital had improved based on the reviews here, I'm sure I wouldn't be posting here now. However, the doctors and hospitals will not change, but at least one less person will have to choose this hospital and feel sad...I would be happy if this could serve as a guide for someone. I originally had an appointment for a checkup at the pediatrician's office this afternoon, and it happened that my child had a high fever this morning, so I was thinking of canceling today's appointment. I checked over the phone to see if I could see the doctor, and after getting permission, I went to see the doctor at the designated time. I was able to talk to the pediatrician's reception desk and was given proper guidance. I was taken to a separate room, where I filled out an interview as the nurse told me to do and waited. Then... The person in charge is Mr.○. The teacher suddenly spoke in a very angry tone. Coming in with a fever is a nuisance. There are other children out there who need help with these symptoms. I am busy. If you have a fever, there's no need to come all the way. In the same tone... in? Shall I check it out? I'll give you some medicine, but what will you do? I've seen many doctors, but this is the first time I've met a doctor who said things like this. He yelled abusive words in front of the child, and he didn't even realize that the child was hurt when he saw the situation. Are you a pediatrician? Afterwards, the nurse who had heard about the situation immediately came to apologize for the rudeness of the doctor's actions. It seems that there was not proper coordination between the receptionist and Mr. ○ in charge. That's what the nurse said while apologizing. But...why did the nurse react to the doctor's actions? Will he apologize? I wonder if Mr. ○ usually behaves like this towards everyone? That's what I thought. However, fever is not a big deal in large hospitals. I think all patients go to the hospital in a state of anxiety. Please do not reveal your emotions to such patients. And please don't leave it to the nurse to handle it. I don't think nurses became nurses to take care of you. I will never go to this hospital again. This is the last thing I wrote.

  • MrButterfly1379



    Waiting here is way too long for payment I waited for about 1.5hours just to pay the bills

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