Shiroyama Hospital w Habikino

JaponiaShiroyama Hospital



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-8-1 Habikino, Osaka 583-0872, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 72-958-1000
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.54878, Longitude: 135.5935633

komentarze 5

  • ピョム



    I had my breast cancer screening done here. The lump was originally benign, so I told her about it, and the patient underwent palpation and mammography. It was explained to me that if there were no problems, there would be no ultrasound examination on the same day, but only if an abnormality was found in the mammography results would a detailed examination be performed at a later date. Those who find a lump will undergo an ultrasound examination on the same day and return home. For some reason, in my case, even though I had a lump, I was sent home without an echo test. About a year later, I received a call from the insurance center. Have you heard anything from Shiroyama Hospital? and. Did something happen that you didn't know what it was? When I asked her about it, she said that the results of her previous breast cancer screening had not been returned to the insurance center, so she was wondering what was going on. When I contacted the hospital in a panic, they confessed that they had forgotten to notify them of the results. I want to get the test done right away because I look so panicked! They gave me priority and made a reservation, but they didn't stop with just the echo test, they also gave me a variety of other tests, including a cell test and an MRI test. The results showed no abnormalities, but I can't believe what they think about people's lives! It was painful and I couldn't sleep for two weeks until I knew the results. I couldn't help but worry about what would happen if the outcome turned out to be the worst. This incident occurred due to the negligence of an office worker, but something like this should never happen. Of course, the detailed inspection was free of charge, but I couldn't forgive the executive director (male) who went out of his way to explain in such a rude manner that he would be charged a fee from next time onwards, and that it was only free this time. I couldn't believe who was saying this, even though this incident happened due to the negligence of an office worker who was a subordinate of mine. I didn't like his completely unbelievable words and attitude. This hospital is scary and I cannot recommend it.

  • トトママトトママ



    It was a public holiday because my husband was feeling unsteady and unsteady, but when I called him, he told me that a neurosurgeon was coming, so my son took me there. I was immediately examined and had an MRI scan, and was diagnosed with chronic subdural hematoma, and underwent surgery on the same day. I was hospitalized for 10 days. The nurses were also kind and helpful and responded quickly to everyone. The teacher's explanations were easy to understand and I am truly grateful. One of the good things about it was that it was a clean hospital. thank you very much.

  • K



    I had surgery for a herniated disc. We perform PED (FESS), which is the least invasive type of surgery for herniated discs, and as far as we can tell, the number of surgeries for herniated discs is among the highest in the Kansai region. Dr. Yonei performed the surgery, and he handled everything perfectly, including informed consent, the postoperative course (99% of the pain was gone, and I was able to walk immediately), and follow-up during hospitalization. He is a very sincere teacher and always comes to check on me no matter what. I believe that their lives are incredibly busy, and I realized for myself that it is thanks to doctors like these that Japan's medical care can continue to be top-class. The nurses, physical therapists, cleaning staff, and meal prep staff in the ward were very polite and pleasant, and this was the first time I had never felt so stressed out in a hospital. Hospital food was also delicious! I believe it is truly a core hospital that supports the local community. Thanks to everyone, I was able to leave the hospital with peace of mind and walk home. thank you very much!

  • Benilda, Toledo Urushima

    Benilda, Toledo Urushima


    I like this very clean hospital and the doctors are so very patient.

  • M




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