Pension Konomi i Minamiaso

JapanPension Konomi


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4732-12 Kawayō, Minamiaso, Aso District, Kumamoto 869-1404, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 967-67-1866
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.8743706, Longitude: 131.001961

kommentar 5

  • M M

    M M


    I am very satisfied with everything about the personality of the owner couple, the Swiss cuisine, and the atmosphere of the pension! It makes you feel like you went abroad. I would like to use it again in the future.

  • ポン太



    The food prepared by the bright and smiling wife is delicious. I enjoy the food and the conversation with the friendly owner. I am freed from the busyness of my daily work, I am able to spend time in a relaxed environment, and I am given the energy to work hard again.

  • トシコさん(ダルちゃん)



    A pension where you can eat Swiss 🇨🇭 cuisine 🍳. There is a friendly husband and a cute wife 😊 There will be dishes that go well with cheese fondue 🫕 and wine 🍷. Will definitely be repeating❣️

  • ざき太郎



    I went to eat cheese fondue and wine and wanted to stay at a pension for the first time in a while. It was great with delicious food, a clean and comfortable pension, and the kind hospitality of the owner and his wife! Next time, I would like to stay overnight in spring or summer and have a peaceful time!

  • 伊藤七海



    I stayed with a few friends during the Christmas season. It was so decorated for Christmas that it felt like I was staying at someone's home overseas! It was snowing outside, which made the mood even more exciting. We had several bottles of wine recommended by the owner. You can also ask for something reasonably priced. Dinner is a full course of Swiss cuisine. Breakfast is also Swiss style! It was a cold day, but the room was so comfortable that I forgot how cold it was outside. I had a very nice holiday.

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