Minamiaso Kugino Onsen Shikinomori i Minamiaso

JapanMinamiaso Kugino Onsen Shikinomori



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3160 Hisaishi, Minamiaso, Aso District, Kumamoto 869-1412, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 967-67-2212
internet side: www.aso-shikinomori.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 32.8152207, Longitude: 131.0509389

kommentar 5

  • Timothy Elder

    Timothy Elder


    The price of the onsen was included in the room rate. The onsen wasn't crouded at all

  • Seth Teh

    Seth Teh


    Rooms have a good view of the mountains. Keiseki dinner is ok.

  • Chatchamon Ing

    Chatchamon Ing


    This local hotel is so great,They treat you like a native Japanese. This place also have onsen. A great sight of Aso volcano 🌋.

  • Shirley NKL

    Shirley NKL


    Nothing spectacular. Only indoor baths - hot and a small cold bath outside the heated sauna. Misty view of Mount Aso through the picture window in the indoor bath. Nothing special as one can take the same view of the mountain from the parking lot. Lockers (¥100), hairdryers and shampoo are available. ¥300 per adult is nothing unusual as well as it is the fees charged by most onsen in Kyushu.

  • Thomas Herth

    Thomas Herth


    I had a bath at this place two years ago to take a break while hiking through the valley south of mount Aso. Very friendly staff and cheap price for a nice moment. From the bath, you can see the valley through a huge window. Very relaxing !

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