Aso Kumamoto Airport Hotel Eminence i Mashiki

JapanAso Kumamoto Airport Hotel Eminence


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2071-1 Tabaru, Mashiki, Kamimashiki District, Kumamoto 861-2202, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 96-286-1111
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Latitude: 32.823947, Longitude: 130.8469373

kommentar 5

  • Ozam Nanda

    Ozam Nanda


    Good thing is that it is close to the airport. And that's about it. No restaurants nearby. Outside pool is open during summer. Outdated facilities.




    This is the closest hotel to Kumamoto Airport. This time, I used a very large room with a Japanese-style room. The building is old, but the very large rooms were comfortable. The speed of the internet is fast. The bath is also large. The view from the Japanese-style room is also good. However, there is one issue. It was a large room, so there were two air conditioners. However, the room was too large and the room did not get very warm. This breakfast was not 100% buffet style. I was satisfied because the breakfast, which was mainly made of vegetables, was delicious. The reason why this hotel is recommended is the hot spring facility attached to the hotel. The renewed hot spring facility was very clean. Hotel guests can use it as many times as they like. You can also eat in the hot spring facility. I ate champon noodles. It was delicious.

  • Ish J

    Ish J


    Nice place to relax,they have onsen, restaurant, souvenirs shop and a pool.just in case you forgot a towel for onsen.200yen if you ask the staff.I like most is they have water electric massage.

  • Vinayak Rastogi

    Vinayak Rastogi


    Very convenient location, hotel right inside the airport terminal. Lots of restaurants to eat.

  • Chris



    This is the only (?) water park in Kumamoto city. It only has one water slide, but it's still a fun place to hang out with friends for the day.

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