Arden Hotel Aso i Minamiaso

JapanArden Hotel Aso


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147-10 Shimono, Minamiaso, Aso District, Kumamoto 869-1402, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 967-35-1241
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Latitude: 32.9030692, Longitude: 130.989958

kommentar 5

  • Pup Carlson

    Pup Carlson


    We've been visiting Japan for over 15 years and stayed in dozens of Japan hotels. All of them are good and up to a high standard that Japan should be proud of. However, Arden Hotel Aso is the worst hotel so far we experienced: 1. The assigned room is smelly when we entered the door. It is musty and dusty. Apparently it is not cleaned properly or the room is not served for long time. The smell doesn’t go away even after opening window. 2. The toilet is smelly with urine, another sign of not cleaned properly. 3. And so we asked for a change of room, but the reception said this is the last one. 4. The paper-door frames has thick dust covering that is surely not acceptable and far below a normal hotel standard. Dust is collected on whole frames. we are quite sure it is not cleaned for a long time 5. We had to clean up the mini refrigerator before using. It was too dirty to place food inside. I can’t imagine solid dust can be found in a fridge. I had to wrap all food with an extra bag before storage. 6. When come to bathroom, the shower hose is leaking and water is pumping out everywhere, and it's a nightmare to bath. It's a shame to let customer to sleep in such a unprepared and obviously dirty room, and most shamelessly is that the hotel personnel definitely knew the condition because they set up the Japanese bed on tatami in the evening before we came. They surely smelled the bad odour as we did, and should check the toilet and bathroom before we came. A total disappointment, and I won't recommend anyone to go there because when we reported these in the next morning, the receptionists just wrote down the problems and didn't seriously apologise.

  • Kantanat T

    Kantanat T


    I had japanese style room, it’s good I like it. Spacious and the price is good. There is Lawson opposit the hotel. The breakfast buffet line is good but I don’t know what to eat. There are 2 onsens I guess? Inside hotel and outside hotel

  • Darryl Church

    Darryl Church


    Fantastic hotel with onsen. This was the cheapest hotel in the local area but we found it to be fantastic. The staff were extremely friendly and welcoming, I appreciated this as usually find Japanese hotels offer a too professional set that comes across as cold. Our traditional tatami room was lovely (although very dated). We pre-ordered dinner as part of the stay. The shabu shabu was excellent, again with friendly service. The beds were made up whilst we ate dinner. The onsen is very nice, not too hot and has inside and outside areas. This hotel maybe showing its age a bit but it’s clear to see it once was luxurious. I can’t complain Avis thing and would definitely stay again. For the price this hotel offers excellent value and service, just expect to step back in time a little! Love it 10/10.

  • David Myer

    David Myer


    Friendly staff, GORGEOUS surroundings, fabulous room with traditional Japanese stylings where they come in the evening and clear away the kneeling table and lay out the futons. It really is worth it. The restaurant was amazing and the inclusive breakfast buffet was large and varied.

  • Jordi Brinquez

    Jordi Brinquez


    Amazing resort with SPA. We've been there only for two nights but we've been able to enjoy the relax that are has to offer. It's properly located, close to train station, but service has nearly no knowledge about english, so be prepared. Both dinners were amaizing, many small dishes with different flavours and full of details

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