Aso Hotel Ichibankan i Aso

JapanAso Hotel Ichibankan



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99 Uchinomaki, Aso, Kumamoto 869-2301, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 967-32-0008
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Latitude: 32.974563, Longitude: 131.044243

kommentar 5

  • 羅恩



    There will be a traditional tatami overnight stay tonight. The staff member was also kind. I recommend my Taiwanese friends to come stay here. It's easy to come here if you have a chance. The food was also very delicious. 😋🩷

  • たろさん



    It's a really good hotel. I want to stay again! ! First of all, the quality of the hot spring water is very good. The meals for one night and two meals are absolutely delicious. The volume is also amazing. Aso milk is so delicious. The room is a normal Japanese style room, but the view is good. As for the location, Naimakin Shokudo, which is famous for its red beef bowl, is just a short walk away, and the children will be very happy at Aso Central Park. There was also a hospital nearby, which was very helpful in case something happened while I was traveling. It was a big hit hotel for the first time in a while.

  • alec Ho

    alec Ho


    A quiet and cozy place for hiking n excursion

  • Agamoni Pathak

    Agamoni Pathak


    We was in ichibakan Japanese Western room. Room was spacious about 40 square m. Staffs were cooperative. Bathhouse was on 7th floor with great view. Rooms also has splendid view. Breakfast was too good. They arrange if you have any food restrictions. But you need to inform them before. It is a nice but expensive hotel.

  • Judy OBrien

    Judy OBrien


    A fairly generic hotel but with a nice onsen. The service was mediocre at best and the room dated. No incentive to stay again.

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