Pension Friendly in Nikko

JapanPension Friendly


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2478 Chūgūshi, Nikko, Tochigi 321-1661, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 288-55-0027
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.7400667, Longitude: 139.4927268

kommentare 5

  • snowrite ao

    snowrite ao


    All food was perfect!! Staff so lovely. We're recommend!

  • Daniel DCT

    Daniel DCT


    I had lunch there. Very nice and plenty of food!

  • Tony Xu

    Tony Xu


    food looks good, and it tastes good as well.

  • Gino Mempin

    Gino Mempin


    The steak rice bowl and set was great. It's not overly expensive for the quantity. The place is not as crowded, so you can eat in peace. Great meal.

  • Shir David

    Shir David


    I was pleasantly surprised by this restaurant. Although the decor is a bit outdated, the food turned out to be quite delicious. The fried chicken was crisp, juicy and full of flavor, and the curry had a good texture and taste. The hamburg was just as flavorful and tasted like a home - made paddy. The decor and the home-cooked-like meal made me feel like I was eating at my grandmother's house (if my grandmother was Japanese). In total, a great experience eating in Nikko.

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