Chuzenji Kanaya Hotel in Nikko

JapanChuzenji Kanaya Hotel


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2482 Chūgūshi, Nikko, Tochigi 321-1661, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 288-51-0001
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.751569, Longitude: 139.463474

kommentare 5

  • Dave Oosterhof

    Dave Oosterhof


    A good hotel with a rich history. Pretty upscale though the rooms do have some wear and tear. The centre piece is the onsen with sulfiric water that is just heavenly. Very nice surroundings near the chuzenji lake about an hour by car from Nikko. A shuttle bus can take you to the hotel, but mind the times as it just runs a few times a day. Diner and breakfast were nice, but the portions were a tad small. The staff is very friendly and classicly formal. Biggest down side is that everything including you after using the onsen, smells a bit like sulfer.

  • KaShan Choy

    KaShan Choy


    We stayed at this hotel after a mistaken booking at a hotel north of Nikko. This seemed to work a lot better for the many shrines we want to visit at Nikko but not too close to the busy town and can relax by the lake and onsen at the hotel. The hotel service was excellent and all the staff is more than professional. They’re always helpful and very friendly. Rooms were dated like other review said but it is still nice and clean. The hotel just has a long history. The onsen was super relaxing and convenient when it’s in your hotel. The breakfasts and dinners that were included in our package was excellent! It was great to enjoy all the local seasonal products of Japan. You can also take a short and pleasant hike to the closest waterfall. There’s a path off the main road. The hotel is a short walk to the most beautiful boat house where you can relax and take in the serene lake view. The staff was very welcoming as well and we got some good local info. Alas, it was our last day in Nikko. There is a free hotel shuttle that takes you to the Kanaya family of hotels in the area which is a good way to visit other sightseeing spots in the area. Be sure to check the schedule before your visit. We wished we knew about it in advance since the town shuts down before 5? We had to scramble since we thought we could always take a taxi but there was no taxi to the lake part? We ended up taking the last bus (every foreigner seemed to be in this pickle). It took us more than 2 hours to get to the hotel when it should’ve been much faster because the long wait times between buses. We got the 4-day train and ferry pass for Nikko at Asakusa, Tokyo. We found out when we got to Nikko station, we can get luggage shipping cheap to hotel so we could do sightseeing before checking in the hotel. It’s a great service! In retrospect though, the hotel can probably do it for free if you don’t have a huge luggage if you plan ahead. The ferry from the pass was also a nice way to tour the lake. All and all, it was a great short trip from Tokyo. We would love to visit again in late October/November. Only very little leaf change in early October.

  • shelen teo

    shelen teo


    We approached the Hotel staff to assist us as our car was struck in the forest path near by. The staff was very helpful brought in a small truck to pull out our car and brought us to wash the muddy tires. We are very grateful to the friendly and helpful Hotel staff.

  • Sandra Young

    Sandra Young


    Really beautiful place set on the lake. Rooms are a little dated but are very spacious and comfortable. The food was absolutely fantastic! Had a vegetarian with us and the staff went above and beyond to make sure her food was acceptable. Hope to be back!

  • Frances



    Absolutely fantastic hotel- can’t recommend highly enough! The level of service and warm hospitality is one of the best I’ve experienced in Japan. Delicious dining options, lovely room balconies with lake views and a small but beautiful outdoor onsen make for an excellent stay. Would definitely book again if in the area.

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