Hotel Harumoto in Nikko

JapanHotel Harumoto


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5-13 Yasukawachō, Nikko, Tochigi 321-1432, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 288-54-1133
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.7533759, Longitude: 139.5972162

kommentare 5

  • MD KJH

    MD KJH


    It's my 8th year living in Japan. I go on a leisurely hot spring trip alone once a year. This was my first time coming to Nikko, and I was busy with work, so I made a hasty hotel reservation two days before departure. As the price was very cheap, I didn't expect much and thought it would be a good place to sleep. When I checked in, I was surprised to be greeted by Japanese staff, unlike other hotels. (These days, most hotels tend to have foreign staff respond due to manpower shortages..!) They welcomed me very kindly and kindly, and I was greeted by a shoe rack and guest room. , I felt they were very thorough as they wrote down my name at the dining area. The rooms are as good as the price. It was an old but well-maintained tatami room. If you are thinking of a modern hotel, you may be disappointed. Nikko and Kinugawa are simple hot springs and do not contain any special ingredients. (If you want hot springs with ingredients like sulfur springs, go to a hotel near Lake Chuzenji.) However, the meal was really great. I am now back to my room after eating and writing a review. I want to leave this impression haha. It wasn't a special menu item such as sukiyaki, sashimi, tempura, and yuba, but the taste was really, really good. I was tired from sightseeing today and had a headache, but after eating dinner, the taste was so good that I felt the headache went away. I don't know if everyone will find it delicious as everyone has different tastes and preferences, but for me it was the best meal. I'm really looking forward to breakfast tomorrow. I had no idea it was possible to have delicious meals at such reasonable prices while traveling alone. If I come to Nikko again, I would like to stay here again.

  • makiko



    It was very good! This location, this content, and such a low price! ? I thought. Although the building is old, it has been updated where possible, so there is no discomfort! Meals can be enjoyed at the new building next door. The Japanese-style room had new tatami mats, so I was able to spend a relaxing time. The rice is delicious! For dinner, there were many Yuba dishes. Tempura was my favorite! But what I thought was the most delicious was the grilled codfish with cheese! It was lol Unfortunately, we were so full at night and in the morning that we couldn't eat all of it...but the couple sitting next to us even ordered refills, so maybe our stomachs were just small (lol) I don't think there were many guest rooms, so the hot springs were reserved for private use. Since there were no lockers, I was worried about what to do with the key to the room, but I thought it would be okay since no one was coming in in the first place (lol) The staff are all wearing masks, there are disinfectants everywhere, and the dining table is separated from the table next to it...Although it's been almost a year since the coronavirus moved to Category 5, we are still working properly. I was even more impressed by the fact that it was done. There was also a place where you could get coffee after your meal, which my mother was happy about. There is hot water and a pot of water in the room, and there is also an excellent air purifier, so I really feel that they have taken great care of me. I am grateful to everyone for being so kind and making the trip so comfortable. thank you very much! ! !

  • Ray Fitzgerald

    Ray Fitzgerald


    Just a short walk to Toshogu shrine and som nice local restaurants. Love the bath house

  • Laura Salutari

    Laura Salutari


  • Andrew Tan

    Andrew Tan


    The public bath area was well maintained and the temperature of the pool was just right for relaxation. Great place to unwind and recharge.

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