Oyado Ishicho en Kyoto

JapónOyado Ishicho



🕗 horarios

284 Suemaruchō, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto, 604-0901, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 75-222-1101
sitio web: www.ishicho.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.0156595, Longitude: 135.7702459

comentarios 5

  • Riley Watson

    Riley Watson


    The staff was friendly and the room was spacious. The food was mediocre. Overall the hotel is way overpriced.

  • Paul Sciberras

    Paul Sciberras


    A brilliant location, just a short walk from the station, and the heart of Kyoto and Gion. I particularly loved the Onsen here. Whilst they are public they have 4 different baths so in my experience they were never crowded and you could often get one to yourself.

  • Cristin Cricco-Powell

    Cristin Cricco-Powell


    My husband and I had a great stay with our kids (13 and 9). The futons were very comfortable, I slept like a baby. The room temperature was adjustable, which I liked. The room comes with an electric kettle and staff provided a large (family-sized) bottle of spring water and green tea bags every day. The front desk staff were kind and helpful. We had breakfast daily. While my picky 9 year old preferred pastry from the bakery up the road, the rest of us enjoyed such a tasty, hearty start to the day, with a combination every day of fresh, cold foods like sushi, pickles, and smoked fish, along with hot rice, soup, and a warm entree. The ladies who served breakfast were lovely. The only con I can think of is that the in-room bath looked a bit tired/dated, but it was clean, the water was hot, and the water pressure was strong, so obviously not a big con. The location is great, we walked everywhere. We would absolutely stay there again.

  • Noah



    This hotel is particularly well-suited for international travelers, offering a unique and authentic Japanese experience. The highlight lies in its tastefully designed Japanese-style rooms, providing a glimpse into traditional Japanese aesthetics. Additionally, the inclusion of a Japanese bathhouse in the hotel's basement adds to the allure, allowing guests to immerse themselves in a culturally enriching bathing experience. The culinary offerings at this establishment also shine, with a menu showcasing traditional Japanese cuisine, ensuring a comprehensive cultural experience for discerning travelers.

  • Mike Walston

    Mike Walston


    We stayed there while visiting our son's family. Words cannot express effectively our experience. It gives you a real taste of Japanese culture. The service was tremendous. In additional, we experienced two sumptuous meals in our own private dining area and they were well worth the money. If you're considering visiting Kyoto this is where you want to stay. I know I'd go back again without a doubt.

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