Yoshida Sanso en Kyoto

JapónYoshida Sanso


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59-1 Yoshidashimoōjichō, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto, 606-8314, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 75-771-6125
sitio web: www.yoshidasanso.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.0228238, Longitude: 135.7866358

comentarios 5

  • Adrian Velasquez

    Adrian Velasquez


    Great location. What we were expecting from a ryokan! Great experience. Would definitely come back. It is expensive but great value for us. The negative reviews are mostly because of the cafe in the premises that is open to the public. Tomoko, our host, was great. She worked in New York City hence very adept with English. I would highly recommend this place if you want to get the real Ryokan experience. It’s not that far from downtown Kyoto.

  • Milad Sharifpour

    Milad Sharifpour


    Beautiful Ryokan tucked in the woods in a quiet neighborhood. The rooms are large and clean, the service is impeccable, and the location is perfect for a quiet retreat.

  • Minnie Cui

    Minnie Cui


    Beautiful Ryokan with historic significance (used to be inhabited by a member of the imperial family). Comfortable and spacious accomodations; quiet, tucked away location, but still convenient to get into key sites of Kyoto. Delicious traditional Japanese meals and helpful staff who are members of the family who have owned and operated the property for many decades.

  • Ben Slivka

    Ben Slivka


    We ate dinner here in May 2010. Fantastic experience, with a Geisha experience. Stayed five nights in May 2014, with Kaiseki breakfast and dinner. Nine years later, we return for dinner. Mom and daughter are still here! Lovely.

  • Lydia Turner

    Lydia Turner


    We could not recommend this Ryokan highly enough. Convenient to Kyoto but feels like a world of its own. With beautiful mountainous background and peaceful gardens, this is one of the most blissful places we have ever stayed. The food was second to none; we were not expecting such high quality which also included locally grown produce famous for the Kyoto region. Our rooms were incredibly clean and comfortable. The service was outstanding as the hosts were highly attentive, responsive, polite, and went out of their way to assist. Don't skip this opportunity - it's an experience to treasure for a lifetime.

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