Kinmata en Kyoto




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407 Dainichichō, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto, 604-8044, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 75-221-1039
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mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.0047292, Longitude: 135.7662947

comentarios 5

  • Deb Linney

    Deb Linney


    We had a wonderful experience here today. The service was exceptional and the food was wonderful. We didn’t know what quite to expect as this was our first kaiseki experience. We were pleasantly surprised. Each course was beautifully presented and explained by our server. We had numerous courses, more than we expected. The owner was very hospitable and a pleasure to speak with. We highly recommend ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

  • C P

    C P


    Many years ago my friend living in Japan took me to a Kyoto restaurant for Kaiseki. During my subsequent trips to Japan, I kept forgetting to make reservations in advance so I keeping missing the opportunity to try it again. I booked this restaurant months in advance via Tablecheck. Credit card is required and they put a hold on your card monthly so cancel appropriately to avoid the cancellation penalty. The restaurant has very limited seating and they’re upfront about their cancellation rules, which I think is fair. I absolutely loved the entire course meal we had tonight. They were many ingredients I would never have imagined combining and some dishes had multiple items I usually dislike, but somehow, together it just worked. The ingredients were all super fresh and the seasoning was just right. I especially enjoyed the uni on toasted bread with fish paste as well as the Wagyu with potato chips and wasabi oil. It seems like small bites but I was super full by the end. The service was excellent. The restaurant has been owned by the safe family for many generations. The current owner studied abroad and speaks excellent English if you have any questions. Highly recommend this restaurant for delicious Kaiseki.

  • Wales Cheung

    Wales Cheung


    When in Kyoto, kaiseki dinner is a must-try, and Kinmata came highly recommended. We walked out feeling rather smug that we had such a beautiful and enjoyable experience to treasure. The restaurant is situated right in the centre of Kyoto but the moment we stepped into this 200+ year old building, we felt like we stepped back in time, and gave us this sense of tranquility. The food was exquisite, service was top class. We even had the pleasure of speaking with Hideyuki, son of the owner of the restaurant, and through him, we learnt of the history of Kinmata, their dedication on service, on quality, and on creating a memorable experience for customers. Take your time, enjoy the pace of the meal and savour the moment for it is a true culinary experience.

  • Satawat A.

    Satawat A.


    Unforgettable experience of Kaiseki (traditional multi course Japanese dinner). We have really good time in this old Kyoto house transformed into restaurant (and used to be Ryokang too). All dishes have been well explained by the owner about the ingredient and concept. Love the taste, presentation, vibe of both food and restaurant. Will definitely find chance to come back again.

  • Jenny Cotter

    Jenny Cotter


    We were able to reserve a table for a kaiseki lunch with very little notice. Perhaps that was an issue. The building is stunning and the staff were lovely. They did not speak English but one of our waitresses tried valiantly with Google translate. The food was predominantly fish. We had sea bream and Spanish mackerel in a couple of dishes and there were a lot of clear soups. On our last savoury course a large bowl of rice was brought out but we had nothing to eat it with. We found the subtle flavours bordered on bland after a while and we felt the price was not really value for money.

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