Okinawa Central Hospital en Naha

JapónOkinawa Central Hospital



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-26-6 Yogi, Naha, Okinawa 902-0076, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 98-854-5511
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 26.2055955, Longitude: 127.6962741

comentarios 5

  • Uki C

    Uki C


    Diver Raijou, special girl child! Since the famous character place on the top page of the DAN page in this family hospital, the character has been written. As a medical student, I am a very old man, and my internal medicine is very low-key. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. The test was completed in 14,000 days. However, this character is very uncomplimentary. Divers, especially women, please be careful! Since it was listed on DAN, I went to get a doctor's signature to get my instructor qualification. However, it was quite uncomfortable, and during the internal medicine examination, my underwear was pulled down quite a bit, and I was asked a lot of questions that had nothing to do with the examination. I was not told the cost before the test, and when it was finished it cost over 14,000 yen. Anyway, getting this autograph was extremely unpleasant.

  • 金近能子



    I easily trusted and went to this dental clinic just because I went to this internal medicine clinic, but... (One of my front teeth was slightly crooked.) I was diagnosed with periodontal disease one after another, and many teeth were extracted. The majority of them ended up with partial dentures...which caused pain and changed their lives. I am currently going to another dentist. Since then, not a single tooth has been extracted! Central dental clinic where you can easily choose tooth extraction I trusted you and went to the hospital. I regret it from the bottom of my heart! !

  • nr jg

    nr jg


    Some doctors have strong personal views and bias in their knowledge, some are eager to talk about what they have learned, and some doctors ignore whether the symptoms are mild or severe, making them feel as if they are underestimating the patient's illness. There are also teachers who persistently want to teach (black and white thinking?) A teacher who was calm and had a well-balanced knowledge base retired. The other good teacher has also disappeared from the list, and the new teacher may also be overbearing. A teacher who talks in a loud voice makes the conversation suspicious. There are three internal medicine doctors at the moment, but all of them may be strange. Even without a reservation, you don't have to wait too long, and if there was a good teacher left, I would have given it a 4 star even after all the other factors. We do not recommend that patients with general headaches undergo neurosurgery. Many people seem to give up after the first try just by teaching them how to stretch. If you want headache medicine, you can get it at your internal medicine clinic.

  • 大田友恵



    I had a sore throat, and my daughter had a fever and sore throat from yesterday, so she went to see the doctor and was diagnosed with the coronavirus, and the doctor's way of speaking was very high-pressure, which made me feel uncomfortable. The nurse who interviewed me also spoke in a less-than-polite manner. I don't usually write comments. I felt so bad. It was my first time there and I will definitely not go next time.

  • なぴ



    I was transferred to this hospital due to a traffic accident, but the nurses, caregivers, attending physician, rehabilitation PT, OT, and ST were all very friendly and helpful, and I was able to overcome even the difficult hospital stay. It's done. I was very worried after being involved in a traffic accident, but I'm really glad I was able to transfer to this hospital and undergo rehabilitation. I would like to meet the hospital staff again.

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