おもろまちメディカルセンター en Naha




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1-chōme-3-1 Uenoya, Naha, Okinawa 900-8556, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 98-867-2116
sitio web: www.omoromachi-mc.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 26.2272194, Longitude: 127.6888126

comentarios 5

  • the Cat Shim

    the Cat Shim


    My elderly father, who has underlying health conditions, has been visiting the hospital for over ten years. The other day, when I came to the hospital complaining that I couldn't get rid of my fever and body pain, I was turned away and told that my fever was not that bad. I think the fever was temporarily suppressed by antipyretic drugs. In the end, I went to a clinic near my home and was diagnosed with coronavirus. My father is shocked by the treatment of the hospital he trusted and visited as his family's hospital for many years.

  • 大粒小粒



    I visited for a health check. The nurses seem to get along well with each other and the atmosphere in the hospital is good. Just wait patiently. I wasn't very good at drawing blood as I had to redo it a lot.




    I went to an internal medicine clinic for about 5 years for treatment of diabetes. I have now stopped going to the hospital because I am off the drug and my blood sugar is under control. Every time I have a 3 minute conversation with the doctor, he is unable to have a constructive conversation and only recommends medicine. My father also underwent dialysis at this hospital for many years. The people in the dialysis ward were really kind and took great care of my father. I would like to give a 2 star to express my gratitude for their dedication. I've been to this hospital dozens of times, so I kind of understand. To be frank, for regular checkups, convenience is high, such as the size of the parking lot, the location, the size of the waiting room, and the cleanliness of the hospital. Blood and urine tests also run very smoothly. I didn't go for a complete medical checkup, but this hospital can be used effectively for just tests. I have small blood vessels in my arms, but I have no problems with the nurses drawing blood. However, we recommend that you do not go in case of an emergency. The waiting time is too long. There is also a lot of turnover among nurses. The biggest problem is the personality and level of the doctor. Anyway, the level is low. I'm sorry to say this, but my father's doctor was sloppy in terms of his personality and his treatment, or should I say harsh. I won't say his name, but every few months he calls me and says things like, ``Dad, you could die at any moment. Please come to the hospital right away.'' When I call him, my father is furious. I was always annoyed by the lack of detailed explanations and the rather lackadaisical way in which he spoke, so I got angry over the phone every time, but my father's condition was not well, so I put up with it. Unlike Ryukyu University hospitals, private hospitals are businesses after all, so if you refuse surgery, chemotherapy, or expensive treatments, hospitals (especially small and medium-sized hospitals) will treat you as a nuisance. (This is my personal opinion, but that's how I feel) Because they don't make money, they just stay in the hospital. It seems like we live in an era where hospitals are no good unless they make a profit. I didn't have any particular complaints about the nurses at the hospital. Some of them were very kind. But he will be gone soon. If you come to the hospital an hour before your scheduled diagnosis for a blood test, etc., and get the test done, you will be able to leave the hospital approximately 2 to 3 hours later. For example, if you have a reservation for 14:00, you can come to the hospital at 13:00, have your blood drawn, and leave the hospital around 15:30. (The earliest is 15:00) After that, I get the medicine and don't get home until around 16:00. There is a prescription pharmacy next to the hospital, but it's always crowded, so I recommend going to another pharmacy. What makes me nervous is that the elderly people come here on a regular basis, and they have to talk to the doctor for a long time. . . On average, 1 person/15 to 20 minutes. By the way, the longer the time, the higher the score. To be honest, the internal medicine doctors at this hospital are only able to prescribe medicine, so all they do is look at the blood test results and say, oh, this is so, but the waiting time is so long. I have almost never been seen on time with a 14:00 appointment. Also, most of the doctors, including my doctor, are the same, but they only recommend medication. He laughs at patients' questions and questions and information he receives, and only treats patients who listen to what he has to say. Elderly people listen to what doctors say, so I talk to them, but troublesome patients like me who ask questions have a different way of thinking, so even if I talk to them, I don't get any direction. Therefore, 80% of the patients who come here are elderly patients who do not complain. The drug life will never end because you don't take drug withdrawal into consideration. In the end, I managed to control my blood sugar and was able to quit the drug on my own. (Hemoglobin 6.3) Doctors are so cunning that even if they don't recommend medicines to their own family or relatives, they don't mind recommending lifelong medication to strangers. That's my job and I won't deny it. Looking at the reviews here, I didn't know that there were so many complaints, but unlike other private hospitals where you buy highly rated reviews with money, you can still expect self-cleaning effects in the future. . There are not many hospitals in Okinawa Prefecture, so waiting times are similar everywhere. This problem is an eternal theme when you move away from Tokyo and other big cities. As for the level of doctors, excellent doctors are found in big cities. This is a fact that cannot be changed. However, the stress of the city is not comparable to that of Okinawa. Doctors who are incompetent tend to impose decisions on others, lack experience, are too big-headed, and don't care about patients, so consider moving to a big city when you're old.

  • Tomoki



    Nurses are good. The doc who took care of STIs is terrible.

  • Denis Neubert

    Denis Neubert


    It was already some month ago but wanted to write this review anyway. I had a cough for about 3 month and alergy alike reaction. I went here during a holiday and wanted a proper check up. They checked my temperature and it was a little bit high. They've told me that they'll do a check up for me another day. So they've called me and there was a payment I had to pay. I went there again, payed them and that was it. I didn't expect to have feaver and could have had the new COVID-19, instead they've just send me home and I payed in total around 5.000 yen for nothing. Just got some cough medicine, that's all. My japanese was good enough.

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