NahaYuiHospital en Naha




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Japan, 〒902-0061 Okinawa, Naha, Furujima, 1-chōme−22−1
contactos teléfono: +81 98-885-3333
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 26.2311718, Longitude: 127.703879

comentarios 5

  • たまご



    I visited an outpatient clinic for fever. Around 8:30, I filled out the web questionnaire for the fever outpatient clinic and called the hospital. I was told that I would call back, and 40 minutes later I received a call and was able to make an appointment at 9:45.Even if I made an appointment, I would have to wait for about an hour.Payment is cash only, and if there is no local pharmacy, I will be directed to the hospital. There was an explanation about becoming a pharmacy. I was asked if I would like to be tested for influenza and coronavirus, and I asked for one. When I went to the hospital at my scheduled appointment time, I was taken to the fever outpatient waiting room, where I was immediately tested for influenza and coronavirus, and interviewed by a doctor over the phone. The test results came out right away, and the doctor explained and auscultated me. I was told to wait for 30 minutes to 1 hour at the checkout, and this was the longest wait time. On the way, the nurse hasn't contacted me yet from the accountant? Thank you for your consideration. After 45 minutes, you will receive a call from the cashier who will ask you how much you would like to pay as he will have the amount and change ready. After that, I received a call from the dispensing pharmacy to say that the medicine was ready, and they explained the medicine and how to pick it up. After paying the bill, I received a call from the pharmacy, so I called out to the nurse and left the hospital. I think I was in the hospital for about an hour. Since I came on foot, I had to wait inside the hospital, but people who came by car were told that if they lived nearby, they could wait at home for a call from the accountant. Is there a lack of explanation or cooperation like there was in word of mouth? I didn't feel it at all. The staff and doctors at the fever outpatient clinic were very polite. I had been turned down by Naha Yui Hospital, so I was really grateful that I was able to see the doctor. I think daily work will be really difficult due to the increase in infected people. Everyone please take care of yourself.

  • Safari Design

    Safari Design


    Thank you for taking care of me as an outpatient for fever. I had become positive for coronavirus and was about to develop pneumonia, and other hospitals refused because it was less than 5 days after the onset of the coronavirus, but here they were able to accommodate me. The woman who answered my phone inquiries was also really polite and kind. Also, the doctor at the outpatient clinic for fever explained things in detail and gave excellent suggestions for testing. I was really relieved and glad.

  • 涼


    I took an influenza test and a PCR test at the fever clinic. I was told to wait in the car because it would take some time for the results to come out. I waited in the car. There was no contact, it was late. I guess they were busy since they were working in parallel with the outpatient department. But I kept waiting and waiting, but there was no response. hot! ! I was so nervous that I called the hospital, and they said, ``Huh? You haven't heard the results yet?'' ``The nurse will tell you the results directly, and then I'll ask you to wait in your car to pay the bill.'' Isn't it? Parking lot without shade... Even with the air conditioner on, the sun came in and it was hot, so I arrived with a fever of nearly 39 degrees Celsius and had to wait in the hot car for about an hour and a physical strength was at its limit. Staff are also on the phone “Oh, I’m sorry~” was especially bad! I was angry because there was no attitude, I wonder why it happened like this. Even when I asked them why, they didn't give me a clear answer, and I was told administratively, ``I've faxed the medicine to the pharmacy first, so please go to the pharmacy first.I'll settle the bill after that, and I'll call you when it's ready.''The accountant will call me.'' Please park your car at the entrance and wait." But before I got the call from the pharmacy, I got a call from the cashier and said, ``I'll pay the bill, so please come to the entrance by car.'' Huh? Didn't you say the pharmacy was first? I thought to myself as I drove to the entrance... No matter how long I wait, the cashier doesn't come. Just now, Didn't you say, "Please come to the entrance in your car so I can pay the bill?" ? ? Meanwhile, I received a call from the pharmacy saying, ``The medicine is ready.'' I called the accountant again and said, ``Are you still paying the bill? I'll be waiting at the entrance, but if you haven't, I'll go to the pharmacy first, because I just got a message that the medicine is ready.'' I'll go now!'' The staff member who came to checkout didn't say, "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting." Business-wise: ``Here's your receipt and change.'' that's all‥ that's all? ? It's not mushy though! Failure to report the test results...I had to wait forever...They didn't even call me to pay unless I asked for it.Even when I drove to the entrance...they didn't come to pay...The directions to the pharmacy were also poorly arranged. Above all There was no apology for the wait due to their mistake. I couldn't make sense of it, so after paying the bill, I called the office manager over and confirmed the facts. "We're short on staff today"... Is that all? ? Is that really all there is to it? ? Even so, it's strange to have a fever patient wait in a car for so long in the heat! What would you do if you collapsed in the car? Please take my offer seriously I went home after asking them to work on improving their operations to prevent something like this from happening again in the future. I hope they will improve their business. I thought the hospital itself was a good one as I had been taken care of several times due to fever, but maybe I was wrong? However, going to the outpatient department with a I said in another post...I guess it's boring. Hey, I wonder what's going on? I would like to visit the hospital if something happens again...I want the hospital to be loved by the local people, so I decided to say this this time. I want it to be improved properly. Even so, the waiting time was tiring, and I felt like I was dehydrated, no, I was slightly dehydrated. If I see a doctor for symptoms of dehydration, I wonder if the doctor's fee will be free? Below margin

  • せんべい



    Fever outpatient is the worst. I don't want to give even 1 star. The patient visited the hospital due to nausea (body temperature: 36.4℃). I had a fever a few days ago, so I was directed to a fever outpatient clinic and made an appointment. You can make an appointment for a fever outpatient clinic by first entering your symptoms through an online questionnaire and then providing the number you receive when making your reservation over the phone. I was asked to come to the hospital at 11:20 for an 11:30 appointment. The fever outpatient clinic was crowded after 11:00, so I couldn't see him at 11:30, so I suddenly changed my appointment so I could arrive at 2:00. At that point, I was waiting in the hospital parking lot. It's a 25-30 minute drive from my house. I returned home and visited the hospital at 1:50 p.m. I was guided to the fever outpatient waiting room, was given oxygen and had my temperature taken, and then at 2:09 p.m. the doctor called me and asked me a question over the phone. Conversation while looking at the contents of the web interview that you entered in advance. Immediately after, he came to the waiting room for 30 seconds to check his complexion and throat, but he had no fever, sore throat, cough or runny nose, so he said, ``It's just a stomach cold. I'll give you stomach medicine.'' The examination ended at 14:17. I told him that I would like to pick up medicine from my favorite pharmacy near my home, so please give me a prescription. I was instructed to wait in my car as the checkout process would take some time, so I headed to the parking lot. (There is no estimate of how long it will take.) 15:22 I haven't been called yet, so I call and they say, "They're still calculating. I'm the fourth one left." 16:01 ``The bill is ready. I want to prepare the change in advance, so the bill amount is ◯◯ yen. How much would you like to pay?'' I was suddenly asked, and I hurriedly checked my wallet. . Cards cannot be used due to fever. Change and medical details are in a transparent bag, and payment is completed at the hospital entrance. I was told, ``The prescription will be sent to a nearby pharmacy to prepare the medicine,'' and I said, ``Huh?'' I told her to give me a prescription because I wanted to pick it up at a nearby clinic... I had the prescription issued again. At the time of checkout, I was told that they were seeing patients with fever outpatient clinics in parallel with regular medical examinations, so I might have to wait for the checkup or checkout, but I was told that they could at least give me a rough estimate. If I had to wait an hour and 40 minutes, I wanted to go home and lie down. The doctor told me to take a good rest, but if the hospital system doesn't do that then there's no point in that. Really the worst. I don't recommend it because you are constantly being turned around from 11:00 to 16:30. Only anger comes out.

  • k sy

    k sy


    If you have no choice but to go here, it's better not to go. I made a reservation over the phone, but the machine told me that they didn't have any reservations, and the receptionist was very lenient, saying, "Oh no." You'll have to wait anyway. I wanted to go home early and recover, but I was stuck in the waiting area with people coughing. Before the doctor's interview, a kind of interview is conducted by a nurse, but they have to repeat the same information over and over again to the point where you wonder, "Is this being taken over?" Even during a doctor's interview, if the answer is not what the doctor wants, the question will be asked again. We are talking about things as they are. It would be nice if the doctor could explain the condition he was referring to, but he just said, "That's what it is, right?" Based on what I'm hearing, I feel like it's a little different, so I try to explain my situation again, but he says, "Isn't that why it's like this?" he says half-heartedly. Despite my poor health, I try my best to explain things to them, but they don't seem to want to listen to me, which just makes me tired. After completing the interview, I waited for the checkout, thinking I could finally go home, but I was kept waiting anyway. The order varies depending on the content, and not necessarily in numerical order, so since I didn't have anyone with me, I was worried about going to the restroom, thinking, ``What if I get called when I'm not there, skip my turn, and have to wait again?'' It was after the checkout that I was told that I would never use this place again. It had been a long time since I had visited the hospital and it was almost like a first visit, but there was no explanation about the location of the pharmacy where I could take my prescription. Is it really that difficult to put into practice a manual to ask, ``Do you know the pharmacy?'' after completing the transaction. When I went to check it myself, I was given a copy of the map at the reception desk, so it would have been nice if they had given me a copy along with my prescription. From my perspective, perhaps because I am a "family doctor", I often lack explanations and support for first-time patients or people who are unfamiliar with the practice. What stands out is that the reception staff responds with a "you understand, right?" attitude. (I'm worried about choosing a "family" doctor, considering the doctor's response, waiting time, and questions about handover.) You will have to wait from beginning to end, so if you are in a hurry, you should be careful.

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