Okinawa Kyodo Hospital en Naha

JapónOkinawa Kyodo Hospital



🕗 horarios

4-chōme-10-55 Kohagura, Naha, Okinawa 900-8558, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 98-853-1200
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 26.1959208, Longitude: 127.6900551

comentarios 5

  • M M

    M M


    Two days ago, I couldn't stop coughing and couldn't make a sound, so I went to the emergency room for the first time in five years. Two days after I went to the emergency room because I was having trouble breathing, I wanted to see an internal medicine doctor because it was off-hours, but the receptionist told me to go to the internal medicine counter, so I went to the internal medicine counter. It's a shame that the internal medicine reception nurse (female) said it too harshly. There are more emergency patients out there, so just because I came to the emergency room doesn't mean I can be seen! Eh, I didn't think so, and they said it as if they were trying to chase me away! If I could speak up, I would have said it back! Thank you for taking care of me several times. This is my first time seeing a nurse like this. I shouldn't have gone. I don't want to go there anymore because I don't want to see your face.

  • とも



    The patient had been coughing for more than a month and suddenly developed a fever and sleepiness, so she visited the hospital as an emergency. I was tested for the coronavirus and the flu, and was in a daze until I was called, when the doctor came to the waiting room for my fever. They kept calling me the wrong name, and they told me, ``You're positive for coronavirus. I was there to give you some medicine,'' and just handed me the file and left. I paid the bill and received the medicine without any explanation or discussion. When I brought my child to see the doctor, I was moved by how carefully he looked at me, but I realized that I was simply lucky to have such a good doctor. Doctor Higa Sensei

  • aki 529

    aki 529


    Depending on the time of day and day, some people find the general reception to be unresponsive. I made a reservation and came to the hospital, but it was normal to wait for more than an hour. Also, the parking lot is bad. It takes 20 minutes to park. Even if you have a doctor's appointment or a reservation, it's a good idea to arrive early and be prepared to wait!

  • Pietro Scozzari

    Pietro Scozzari


    Few days ago I was seriously worried for my health and my doctor suggested me Okinawa Kyodo Clinics for a full check. Before going to the hospital I read the reviews and... they scared me. Okinawa Kyodo Clinics, as described by many unhappy patients, looked like a 'third world' hospital: bad manners, inefficiency, even... thieves! Well, I must say that hardly in my life (56 years on this planet) I've found a better hospital. Not just because my test went well - I should still be here around for some time... -, but because of the kindness and the professionalism of the whole staff. Receptionists, doctors, nurses: all great! The day I went there must have been my lucky day. Even if I've been living in Okinawa for ten years my Japanese is very, very poor. The doctor who took care of me spoke a perfect English and was extremely kind. They even announced my name in English, and maybe I was the only gaijin at the clinics... I even tested the possible thieves: I left my bag and my wallet here and there, unattended, while I went to the restroom a coulple of times. Nobody touched them (do the same in my country, Italy, then see how many wallets you'll find...). If I REALLY need to complain about something, I must say that the payment (very reasonable price!) process is quite slow, but I noticed that it's the same in any other clinic or hospital I've been to in these years. The day I was there, besides, there were many patiens, so... even if I try to, I cannot complain about anything. After re-reading other people's review, I think most Japanese people have VERY high expectations from public hospistals, demanding too much. They should visit other countries and see how the health systems work there... THANK YOU VERY MUCH, Okinawa Kyodo Clinics!

  • Shirley Miles

    Shirley Miles


    Baby maternity. Lemonie

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