みずほ銀行 大阪東支店 i Higashiosaka

Japanみずほ銀行 大阪東支店



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒577-0056 Osaka, Higashiosaka, Chōdō, 2-chōme−16−11 東大阪支店内
kontakter telefon: +81 6-6783-1511
internet side: shop.www.mizuhobank.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.6688438, Longitude: 135.5662565

kommentar 5

  • 束谷よ



    There was a lot of support at the reception desk at the entrance, but I made a mistake in taking the waiting number and was warned at the counter. From now on, please take care of it through a corporation. It's me! I was given two waiting lists. put in the basket. One ticket had been given to another customer by mistake, and the other customer and that person were looking for it. The reception desk at the entrance is a bit confusing, with laptops being placed in a basket and handed to each customer. Shall I give you my laptop? I thought. Since the store merged with Fuse store, the service has deteriorated significantly. It's the company's main bank, but I'm considering changing it. It's inconvenient.

  • やっこ



    There are two lottery booths attached to the bank, and the one next to Kentucky Fried Chicken across the bus terminal is the one where Mini Lotto has won first prize twice.

  • i i

    i i


    Of the 3 mega banks around Fuse Station, this is the most relaxing. However, I wish the guide guy had a little more knowledge.

  • tanapen 0402 (ネコ侍)

    tanapen 0402 (ネコ侍)


    There are considerable differences in response depending on the bank employee. Even among people of the same age, there are female bank employees who behave perfectly, and male bank employees who are unsteady on the floor. I recently went through the same procedure at all city banks, but I felt that Mizuho itself was far behind other banks in terms of service, so I guess it can't be helped to some extent.

  • かか



    The male information staff suddenly asked me to sign the form without sufficient explanation, and I had to ask questions and confirm things before finally getting an answer.The bank staff at the teller didn't have enough information to confirm the details themselves, but later I received a confirmation call on my cell phone, which was horrifying. I refrained from complaining because I'm not a big customer, but I was completely defeated by a major city bank. Customers are asked to enter their personal information on a tablet until they are called to the counter, but they are not accepted. It is a pain for the elderly and those who are not good with machines.

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