Nagari sushi i Kobe

JapanNagari sushi



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒650-0004 Hyogo, Kobe, Chuo Ward, Nakayamatedōri, 2-chōme−10−22 ハンター坂ビレッジゲート 1F
kontakter telefon: +81 78-251-1755
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.696453, Longitude: 135.1905924

kommentar 5

  • eams



    The atmosphere inside the restaurant is good and the food is great. The Nodoguro was especially delicious♪

  • Diego Palhano

    Diego Palhano


    Very nice sushi with a good atmosphere for two.

  • bob 883r

    bob 883r


    There is one small private room. A room perfect for four people The sushi was delicious and there was a wide variety of sake.

  • t k

    t k


    Visit after a long time 🍣 We had fresh sashimi and sake! Thank you for the meal 🍺

  • テナントホーム坂本



    I went as a member of my company. All the dishes were delicious! The people at the store are all nice people. The restaurant had a great atmosphere and the sushi was delicious, so I also bought some ehomaki the next day. It was published in the Choi-drinking notebook, and I was satisfied with it even for 1000 yen. I would like to visit you again.

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