中国料理 神戸壺中天 i Kobe

Japan中国料理 神戸壺中天



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Japan, 〒650-0037 Hyogo, Kobe, Chuo Ward, Akashimachi, 32番地 明海ビル B1F Block32
kontakter telefon: +81 78-334-1002
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.6878128, Longitude: 135.1908416

kommentar 5

  • CO CO

    CO CO


    Used for lunch. Three of us went there at 13:30 on a weekday and got in without a reservation. There were two meals left of the limited quantity daily lunch (Mabo tofu). I ordered Gomoku Yakisoba (1,100 yen). It was elegant and delicious. The atmosphere inside the store is calm and comfortable. Visited in May 2024

  • s hama

    s hama


    It was my favorite shop before the coronavirus and I used to go there quite often, but this time I went there for the first time in a while since the coronavirus outbreak. Enjoy welcome and farewell party B course for lunch. The food was really delicious. However, I feel that the customer service of the staff who serves the food was a little sloppy. The young male clerk who served us the hors d'oeuvres at the beginning was out of the question and just left us there without saying a word. The young female waitress who served us the second item seemed to be trying her best, so I wasn't too unpleasant, but the way she placed the plates was sloppy (normally, if we were sitting facing each other, she would go around and serve the food from the side). The food was very delicious, and the person who took care of the bill (maybe the person in charge?)... It's a bit of a shame because the service I received when making reservations was very polite and nice.

  • Yuko



    I made a reservation and came to the store at 13:00 on a weekday. The daily lunch special was sold out, so I ordered an additional seafood spring roll for a full lunch. All dishes were delicious. The mapo tofu has a hint of Japanese pepper, so you might find it a little spicy. The customer service was very nice, and even after the peak hours, you could come by yourself without a reservation. Thank you for the meal🙏

  • Evan Kelley

    Evan Kelley


    Luckily the food was good, but the three stars are for the somewhat poor service. The older gentleman that waited our area seemed to be in a bad mood and there didn't seem to be much communication amongst the staff. Many people around us were asking for service without a response.

  • Stephanie Vasse

    Stephanie Vasse


    I came here for an enkai, so I can't rate the normal experience, but I did enjoy the food. The course we all had was delicious, with a variety of dishes that are common in Chinese restaurants in Japan (not entirely authentic, I'm sure, but more authentic than American-style Chinese food). The food was plentiful too. Some of the enkai I've been to before left me feeling cheated and hungry, especially for the price. However, the choice of drinks was very limited. Overall, a good experience, and I would gladly come here again if I was in the area. Oh, one more downside... the restaurant has NO BATHROOM! Everyone who needs to go has to leave the restaurant and go down the underground passage, past another restaurant, and use a public restroom. It was clean and well kept, but are you kidding me?! This is Kobe, not New York City!

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