Oriental Hotel i Kobe

JapanOriental Hotel


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25 Kyōmachi, Chuo Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 650-0034, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 78-326-1500
internet side: www.orientalhotel.jp
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Latitude: 34.6875863, Longitude: 135.1929422

kommentar 5

  • Max L

    Max L


    A wonderful place, offering an almost forgotten level of service and friendlyness. We stayed (only) for two nights at the Oriental in Kobe. Initially it wasn't our first choice, but we felt lile giving it a try. And we were absolutely overwhelmed by the great atmosphere, attention to detail and the traditional approach to luxury that is often missed in higher ranking Hotels. The hotel is conventiently situated just a few minutes away from the biggest station of central Kobe. For those into shopping, there are some cool spots around, but most important is hotel and the staff itself. We stayed in a 5-star hotel during our trip, but it subpar on the pereived sense of luxury that the Oriental offered. When staying there, you also have to pay the J.W.Hart bar on the 17th floor a visit. Their team is very attentative, the view is stunning and they offer great value. 5/5 - We would recommend everone else to the Oriental as well.

  • Yang Yu

    Yang Yu


    This hotel had a lot of rich history! The view and city skyline was surreal and breathtaking. The night scene is even better! They also had a rooftop bar and restaurant. Would love to come back and visit again!

  • Christopher Dulaney

    Christopher Dulaney


    No complaints, great rooms, and the breakfast buffet was better than many I have seen. Make sure to get there at 7 and get the French Toast as it's limited. Best French toast I have had.




    Great service. Polite, courteous hotel staffs. Clean and large rooms. Sound proofing of rooms can be improved. We can hear people walking outside. Thank you very much for a great stay.

  • Dave H

    Dave H


    Excellent price to value hotel. I’d definitely stay here again if I find my way back to Kobe. The hotel has great interior design which facilitates a more luxurious atmosphere than you’d expect. Rooms are average but the bed was very comfortable.

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