L'Ami i Kobe




🕗 åbningstider

3-chōme-4-3 Sannomiyachō, Chuo Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 650-0021, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 78-327-7225
internet side: r.gnavi.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.6898362, Longitude: 135.1905213

kommentar 5

  • Elaine Woon

    Elaine Woon


    Went during dinner time and que since 7pm, waited almost an hour before getting seated. Place were cozy (only about 14 seats), English menu available. Tried the omu-rice and the course-dinner. Overall food was ok, server was attentive. 2 chef in the kitchen preparing food. If the que is not long, its ok to try this place. Wish they would have offer chairs for those in lines as the wait is long in the alley.

  • Nandini E.

    Nandini E.


    Worth every second spent waiting in line! We had the best omu rice, ebi, steak - their crab cakes are a must (absolutely succulent). 🤤 There's an English menu and the staff members are A+. Should definitely be on your list if you're in Kobe. 🏃‍♀️🍴

  • W. L

    W. L


    For the price you paid, I think is a good deal. Dishes are above average, omelette rice is lovely, hamburger steak is the best item in house; fried steak is less attractive.

  • Chris Sappington

    Chris Sappington


    A+. Easily the best meal of our trip so far. We had omurice, beef stew, octopus karaage, beef cutlets, and fruit+Cassis drinks... All amazing. The fruit for the drinks was even fresh-squeezed to order. Will definitely be back the next time we are in Kobe.

  • George Bennion

    George Bennion


    This place is worth lining up for! The Snoopy themed atmosphere is popular among the girls, and so is the easy-to-eat foods! Some say that the omurice here is by far the best in the entire region. Their juicy, fluffy hamburger steak is also a good contender for the best I've ever had. Conveniently close to tourism spots and the train station, this store is one to try out.

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