Lawson; Asahikawa Shintomi i Asahikawa

JapanLawson; Asahikawa Shintomi



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2-chōme-9-12 Shintomi 2 Jō, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 070-0002, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 166-22-3123
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.7896176, Longitude: 142.3887041

kommentar 5

  • 小野寺弘朝



    I'm from Furen's rice cakes. I'm a big fan and sometimes go to the roadside station in Nayoro, but today I found it at Shintomi Lawson, and I was so excited! There were so many different kinds, so I was happy~~~ Thank you, Niintomi Lawson

  • 高砂あさっぴー



    Lawson in Shintomi. The store was spacious and the staff were friendly. no problem.

  • Daisuke 39

    Daisuke 39


    Only at this store were customers loudly asked to disinfect their hands when picking up items. Karaage-kun was asked to put the tape on himself next time. This is the first time I've ever been to a Lawson. There will be no next time, so I reported it to the customer. Since the clerk did not tell me about it and there was no notice, I think it was probably only handled by a specific store clerk.

  • ナッティー



    There are two students at this Lawson, but they don't even say hello and laugh as soon as they see someone's face. Dropping things, typing incorrectly at the cash register. I'm smiling, but in reality, if you have time to look at people's faces, laugh, and talk, then you should do your job properly. Your customers are watching what you're doing. It's not just me, at least some people feel uncomfortable. Manager, I'm sorry, but I would appreciate some guidance on customer service. From a former regular customer

  • みの虫



    When I entered the store today, I noticed that it was quiet and there was no one saying ``Welcome'', so I was looking around the store, and when I saw the store clerk, I turned away and immediately found myself talking to one another. The clerk bumped into me and didn't even apologize. While I was looking at the products, I suddenly saw the product display organized in front of me. When I went to the cash register, I was met with a sullen attitude. It became very unpleasant. Also, the last time I came here, the staff members were having normal conversations in front of customers, saying things like, ``No one draws the One Piece Ichiban Kutto anymore. I don't think so. If a customer were thinking of drawing a lottery ticket and overheard such a conversation from a store clerk, I don't think anyone would buy it. I have experience in the customer service industry, but this is the first time I've worked in a place where the education is so lacking. Is it your policy to make customers who enter the store feel uncomfortable? Sorry for the long post.

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