LAWSON Asahikawa Kogyodanchi i Asahikawa

JapanLAWSON Asahikawa Kogyodanchi



🕗 åbningstider

Søndagåben 24 timer
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1-chōme-1-31 Kōgyōdanchi 1 Jō, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 078-8271, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 166-36-5565
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.7703168, Longitude: 142.455806

kommentar 5

  • ひろひろ



    Satisfied with the assortment I'm also satisfied with the staff's response (^_^)

  • 照男(青黒)



    I asked for a plastic bag, but they just kept it 😁 About 3 yen is fine, but I would have liked it if possible 😁

  • 田中達



    This is a store that sold all Sega Lucky Kuji tickets to people who had pre-ordered them before the release date, and did not sell any lottery tickets. I am not at all satisfied with the fact that even though the website says ``Release date: December 16th at industrial park stores'', there was no store sales at all. If they aren't going to sell it on the release date, I wish they would at least remove the name of the industrial park store from the website. Don't you think anything of it when people who wanted to draw the lottery ended up wasting their money?

  • 高砂あさっぴー



    Since it is an industrial park, the parking lot is large enough to accommodate large vehicles.

  • hitomi y.

    hitomi y.


    I always use it when I go to work. The store staff is very kind and if they don't have the tea I want, they will find it in the back and bring it to you if it's in stock! I go there almost every day, so I can finish my shopping comfortably (^o^) Thank you for your continued support.

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