7-Eleven; Asahikawa 5-Jo 7-chome i Asahikawa

Japan7-Eleven; Asahikawa 5-Jo 7-chome



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7-chōme-1615-8 5 Jōdōri, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 070-0035, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 166-22-5350
internet side: www.sej.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.770667, Longitude: 142.3604985

kommentar 5

  • ゆん



    A convenience store that doesn't say "welcome" or "thank you" even if you shop. I guess I grew up thinking that you didn't have to tell me when you were shopping for 500 yen or so. Maybe the person who taught me the job was at fault. Or am I done as a person? I think it would be better not to work in the hospitality industry. That's what I think.

  • グリーンメンリトル



    For the past few years, I've been scared of the petite female clerk wearing glasses who has been here at night. I get tired of trying to be careful not to make him angry. When I asked for a bag and chopsticks, it was Shikato, so I wonder if he didn't hear me? When I asked them to try again, they responded in an overbearing way, and when I asked for payment or Mercari, they reacted violently and seemed to be bothering me. Why am I always in such a bad mood? Is it at least something that can't be done normally? This store clerk has remained the same for years. I think the staff at this store used to be quite nice. Unfortunately, I will use another convenience store from now on.

  • 地原嘉一



    '21・12・10 OPEN at 7:00 AM The store will be relocated from its current location facing Showa Dori to the back, and cars will be able to access it from 5-jo Hondori and 5-6 Nakadori. It's convenient, but you need to be careful when passing. There will also be a service available when the store opens. The old store will be closed at 3:00 PM on the 9th while the current store is offering a discount service.

  • Quinn'z Land

    Quinn'z Land


    The staffs are always friendly and supportive!

  • Jirawat Shinawatrawangso

    Jirawat Shinawatrawangso


    Many things to buy

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