7-Eleven; Asahikawa Shunkodai 2-Jo i Asahikawa

Japan7-Eleven; Asahikawa Shunkodai 2-Jo



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6-chōme-3-3 Shunkōdai 2 Jō, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 071-8142, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 166-53-0798
internet side: www.sej.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.8216261, Longitude: 142.3655666

kommentar 5

  • k s

    k s


    We were told that we could only park for 20 minutes. The parking lot is empty. Well, when it's crowded, you won't be able to stop for even 20 minutes. Well, it can't be helped because it's the rules of this store and it's on the premises. I won't use it anymore.

  • レナ



    I bought lunch and was eating it in my car when there was a knock on my window asking me to move. I think it took more than 20 minutes after parking the car and including the time to purchase at the store. It was before noon and the parking space was empty, but it's the store's rules and it's creepy that they keep track of each car's parking time, so you'd better be careful when using it.

  • ひろと



    I was so surprised that I had to look it up! It was a famous store, 20 minute rule. After I finished eating the lunch I bought here, I wanted to go shopping again, but I was asked to leave, so I bought it at the nearby Seikoma.

  • 新井靖



    It's terrible here, it's better not to go. When I parked the car, I got a phone call and while we were talking in the car, he said, ``It's been 20 minutes, so could you please avoid the car?'' Previously, when I was eating in the car, he even opened the door and talked to me, saying, ``Could you please move after I finish eating?'' There is a limit to being rude. This is a project that I would never do again and would be happy to fail. Manager KZ . I also take photos of each car.

  • みらくるたつお



    How long will this clerk keep knocking when he suddenly knocks? I complained with a bit of anger. It was annoying, so I went to another 7-Eleven to buy lunch. Leader of Shunkodai store? The woman is kind and even provides coupon information. From now on, let's shop at the Shunkodai store.

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