Lawson; Asahikawa Midorigaoka Higashi i Asahikawa

JapanLawson; Asahikawa Midorigaoka Higashi



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2-chōme-1-15 Midorigaoka Higashi 4 Jō, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 078-8804, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 166-60-8666
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.7233892, Longitude: 142.3825217

kommentar 5

  • ひなゴン._.



    In the morning, they have a great selection of lunch boxes, rice balls, bread, etc.

  • 佐藤ひたひた太郎



    This store sells hot snacks and microwave ovens, which have recently become popular at Lawson. The microwave is busy at lunchtime. The staff's attitude is not very good, but I think it is the minimum necessary customer service. I bought fried squid, but they didn't have tartare. I was trying to get some unbranded products, but the shelves were empty due to stock clearance, so I went in to buy some pens in a hurry, but I was in trouble because I didn't have any. If you have time, there is also a Seven store nearby, so we recommend that.

  • 高砂あさっぴー



    Lawson in Midorigaoka. There are multiple schools nearby, so students were using it. I was left with a good impression because the clerk spoke clearly. The parking lot is spacious.

  • S美



    I stopped by after work to buy beer and milk. I left two packs of beer (6 500 liters and 6 350 liters) and a bottle of milk at the cash register. Two elderly part-time ladies? They just kept talking without noticing me. I don't know where the young man came from, but I get a part-time job and it's so annoying not to say hello! ️I paid with my face, I put the milk in a bag, Young part-time worker: “Can you put 2 packs of beer in a bag?” Me: “Yes.” Young part-time worker: “Huh? Why?” Me: “Huh? Then how do we get it home?” Young part-time worker: “There’s no need to include it.” I?" In the end, he grumbled, clicked his tongue, and put it in a bag. After paying the bill, they grumbled at me, but I ignored them. I came here to shop, but why do I have to be treated like that? I don't want to give it a star though. Would I go there again? It's a store. ( ・ω・)

  • Akane sora

    Akane sora


    Minami High School is right nearby, so depending on the time it gets very crowded and the sweets and pastries run out quickly. The female clerk who has been there for a long time is very polite and kind.

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