La Resonance i Kobe

JapanLa Resonance



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Japan, 〒650-0004 Hyogo, Kobe, Chuo Ward, Nakayamatedōri, 3-chōme−2−2 プラザ ウイング 棟 1F トア山手ザ・神戸タワ
kontakter telefon: +81 78-381-6070
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.6935976, Longitude: 135.1880062

kommentar 5

  • Sica M

    Sica M


    I came here with my husband to celebrate my birthday. It's a hidden restaurant, and since it was a Sunday night, we were able to enjoy dinner privately. Each dish and the chef's recommended wine set were all very delicious. The birthday plate and music box surprise were cute and wonderful. I want to eat the chef's food again!

  • アル



    @Kobe:★★★★★ Tabelog 3.63 A small French restaurant in Kobe. The restaurant and the food were cute and delicious ^ ^ I thought it was very Kobe-like!  ≪Address/Nearest station≫ Toa Yamate Wing Building 1F, 3-2-2 Nakayamate-dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture #Kansai Gourmet #Kobe Gourmet #Sannomiya Station #japan #happy #food #French @Kobe: ★★★★★ Tabelog 3.63 A small French restaurant in Kobe. The restaurant and the food were cute and delicious ^ ^ I thought it was like Kobe! . ≪Address / nearest station≫ 3-2-2 Nakayamatedori, Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo Toa Yamate Wing Building 1F #Kansai gourmet #Kobe gourmet #Sannomiya station #japan #happy #food #French

  • 桶下眞理



    Located between Sannomiya and Motomachi A hidden French restaurant. The chef is in Kobe and Nagano I have been training A dandy and kind man They will make it for you. Also, Vegetables from the chef's own farm I'm happy to have it out. Vegetables made with love It turns into a nice French one. The food is 3 basic types of courses. Chef's recommendations Advance reservations are required, but The other two types If there are seats available on the day Even on the day it's okay. The wine is sparkling, red, white There are also several types of glasses. There is also a counter, There are also table seats From French for one person Various scenes including girls' night out A nice shop to use. On the anniversary You can also have a surprise cake delivered to you. Please consult with us in advance.

  • ai



    You can enjoy delicious French cuisine at reasonable prices. All the dishes were beautifully presented and the tableware was nice. It has a strong salty taste, making it perfect for drinking. I was seated at the counter, but the staff didn't interfere with my meal time at all, and was quick to respond when I needed something, which was actually nice. Also, being able to make reservations individually online was a big plus. I would like to visit you again if I have a chance.

  • Nobu



    Regarding French cuisine, I am completely ignorant and am making judgments based on my amateurish taste. The food was well seasoned (maybe a little salty overall?) and overall I felt it was delicious enough to recommend to others. I am giving this a 3 and a half star rating because of the problems with the toilet facilities, the fact that they didn't replace my beer glass, and the espresso that was served with foam that was about to disappear.

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