Kurinomi cafe en Kumamoto

JapónKurinomi cafe



🕗 horarios

2-chōme-28-30 Ezu, Higashi Ward, Kumamoto, 862-0942, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 96-223-5630
sitio web: kurinomi-cafe.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.7736257, Longitude: 130.7338334

comentarios 5

  • Pow Poh Wun

    Pow Poh Wun


    Staff is very friendly. I ordered the hamburger (steak), omu rice and sando. The food are very impressive!!! I'm glad to find delicious vegan food here. I'm also happy to learn that the cafe is themed with miyazaki works. Thank you!

  • Hodgson Harold

    Hodgson Harold


    I came back with a friend and enjoyed it again.

  • Wayne Asera

    Wayne Asera


    I am not a vegan but the vegan food here was the best. We were caught by surprise with the flavours we had plant based chicken with mayo and omurice with chicken sauce it was delicious. The soup they served as an appetizer was awesome. If this is what vegan food taste like I would not mind becoming vegan. めっちゃ美味しかった!

  • Jon L. Polly

    Jon L. Polly


    Really good family restaurant with great vegan food! We were pleasantly surprised by this gem in the middle of Kumamoto suburbs. We had plant based burger with pasta, one of the best such I have ever had (I’ve been vegetarian for 40 years). And a mint chocolate chip parfait to top it all!

  • yo kou

    yo kou


    A cozy place to eat and have coffee. I thought that it’s café but is more of a restaurant than a cafe. They have a seating space for people with kids.

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