HEIKEYA en Kumamoto




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Japan, 〒862-0911 Kumamoto, Higashi Ward, Kengun, 4-chōme−4, 2丁目4番10号 熊本県市町村自治会館
contactos teléfono: +81 96-368-6633
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.7841679, Longitude: 130.7486818

comentarios 5

  • takenoko



    This is my favorite restaurant that I heard about from a friend and have visited many times. The inside of the restaurant is stylish and calm, and you can enjoy delicious, elaborate food. Everything is delicious, even the desserts are homemade. It is located on the 1st floor of the Municipal Hall, and if there is an event held at the hall, there may be restrictions on parking, but otherwise there is plenty of space. It's a very popular restaurant, so if you're going during lunch time, we recommend making a reservation. The last order is 4pm, so it's nice to be able to have lunch even late. Sometimes I see men eating a set meal by themselves around 3pm. It is also recommended for men as it is filling.

  • Rumi Fukunaga

    Rumi Fukunaga


    It is located in the middle of the approach to Kengun Shrine. If you look directly at Kengun Shrine, it's on the right. I used it for a small celebration lunch with my mother. It seems that those who made a reservation had a table seat. We ate it at the counter, and enjoyed it in beautiful bowls, similar to kaiseki cuisine. The soup was very delicious. In Kumamoto, it is called zase beans. I felt nostalgic for the sweet boiled soybeans, and it felt like a local dish, so I wanted to go there sometimes. You can eat slowly. It seems like there will be a two-part lunch at 11:00 and 1:00 p.m. I thought it would be great for a date or a girls' night out. There are a few parking spaces available for free. You can probably also use the coin parking lot across the street if the number increases.

  • _13 hkr03

    _13 hkr03


    My very favorite place. It is popular because the food is delicious and the portions are large. Reservations recommended. We also have frozen side dishes as souvenirs. The food here is nostalgic and healthy, allowing you to enjoy the elaborate dishes that were made at home in the past (such as simmered rice and dago soup). Personally, I'm really happy that there is zenmai in the boiled rice. There is always one woman running the floor, so I wish there was another one there during busy times. (Even in such situations, I am very impressed with how quickly and with a smile I am able to respond.)

  • 増田ちどり



    There is always a line at the prepared food corner in Tsuruya basement... This restaurant is also very popular and reservations are required. Reservations can be made between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Even if you don't have a reservation, you can enter the restaurant immediately if there is a vacant seat, otherwise you may have to wait. The open and bright interior has table and counter seats, and cute seasonal dolls lined up on the wall shelves. The dishes are served in beautiful bowls and have a strong, strong flavor that will remind you of the nostalgic tastes of your grandmother. The food is served at a slow pace, so it may not be suitable for those who are short on time. The staff was efficient, efficient, and courteous with a small number of staff. I'm sensitive to cold, so the fluffy lap blanket was a blessing! There are also several types of take-out dishes. I heard that they have a store inside Kumamoto Airport, so I'll be sure to stop by when I'm taking a flight.

  • Takuya Matsumoto

    Takuya Matsumoto


    I was drawn to the colorful Eames chairs in the front and visited for the first time. I arrived around 11am without a reservation, but the place was full within 15 minutes. It seemed to be popular with women. I ordered the ``Kengun Shrine Sando Gozen'' which was listed as the most popular. Comes with dessert and drink. Salad, assorted small side dishes, and sesame tofu were served so skillfully that it was like having a course meal. The salad is easy to eat with Japanese-style dressing, and the small side dishes are seasoned with a gentle flavor that gives you a home-cooked feel, making the corners of your mouth melt. The sesame tofu was served with sweet soy sauce and ginger, and was hot, melty, and delicious. You can choose from white rice, multigrain rice, or brown rice, and you can also get refills. The soup was dagojiru, and it was chewy and filling. I chose hot coffee for my drink and almond tofu for dessert, which was also delicious. The coffee was also easy to drink with no bitterness. The store staff also seem very kind. 1,800 yen for this satisfaction. It's cheap. I was very satisfied. I didn't see much of it for men, but it has a lot of volume, so it's recommended for men. I look forward to hearing from you again. It was a feast.

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