200円 BAR 秘密基地アジト熊本 en Kumamoto

Japón200円 BAR 秘密基地アジト熊本



🕗 horarios

6-20 Shinshigai, Chuo Ward, Kumamoto, 860-0803, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 96-288-2460
sitio web: azi.to
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.7992906, Longitude: 130.7069212

comentarios 5

  • Bryan Heng

    Bryan Heng


    Amazing experience. Female bartender was friendly and welcoming. Reccomended many fantastic drinks. Reasonably priced and fantastic service, could not reccomend more.

  • Bruce le

    Bruce le


    I been here 9 years ago, it's great that the bar was still open when im here for holidays, i come here as its my pre dinner drinks as the price is very fair! Wide range of drinks to choose from, bartender's are amazing and very attentive. Will be back for more,

  • hiromi azuma

    hiromi azuma


    It's been about 10 years since I first went to this store. Many of the drinks are extremely cheap at 200 yen per drink, so I wonder how long they will last. When I thought about it, it turned out to be an old store that has been around for a long time. The miscellaneous atmosphere inside this store gives the impression that it is easy to drink without hesitation. If you're in a box seat, there's an hourly charge, but if you're at the counter, you only have to pay for drinks, which is great. First of all, are the screwdriver cocktails and cola juices available at other stores for the same price of 200 yen? lol I've heard that it's quite difficult as the prices of imported alcohol are rising rapidly due to the rapid rise in prices, but I hope that Kumamoto will continue to do its best as a place for young people in Kumamoto. You can bring your own food, so you can enjoy drinking alcohol while eating at a nearby McDonald's. You can also use wi-fi for free! There's also a photo of Che Guevara on the wall. . lol

  • Sinead Byrne

    Sinead Byrne


    Deserves better rating! Super friendly bar staff, great value tasty drinks ❤️

  • Heihachiro Kawabe

    Heihachiro Kawabe


    Cheap! BUT, the WORST bar to go for foreigners. They found excuses not to attend us and did not even allow us to get in. I would give them just 0.5 star just for the fact that the drinks are cheap.

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