スターライト・カフェ&ウエディング en Kumamoto




🕗 horarios

7-chōme-95-5 Izumi, Chuo Ward, Kumamoto, 862-0941, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 96-378-1789
sitio web: starlightcafe.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.7707568, Longitude: 130.7295319

comentarios 5

  • 右京ティー



    My wife and I had a wedding! If you want to hold a ceremony with about 120 people, this is the place! There are course meals, and you can choose from all-you-can-eat meat or all-you-can-eat sweets! The planners are also kind and polite and will explain the flow of the ceremony in detail! The ceremony hall is on the second floor, but there is a stair lift for people in wheelchairs or with disabilities, so you can go up safely! I don't have a cafe now!

  • 増村和好(ますりん)



    We use it for shooting and streaming events. I find it useful because I can consult with them about various things, and they are easy to use.

  • xyz



    When I went out to eat with my child, I got a disgusted look. Is there a general store on the first floor instead of the second floor? The buffet-style seating was difficult as it involved walking up and down the stairs. It was a shame because I wanted to eat in a nice atmosphere. I thought that if you didn't want to bring children, you could just refuse. The taste was not much different from that of a family restaurant.

  • w kai

    w kai


    When I asked about it while posting it on the rental space website, I was told that they could not respond because the content seemed strange to me. When I checked the site, there were no particular problems with the content of the inquiry. The snorted response made me very angry. I will never use it again from now on. If so, please don't post it on the rental space site. It's confusing

  • シュリンプロブスター



    Princess Cafe has now moved to Shimotori in the city. I looked it up on the internet and it came up, so I went to see it, but it wasn't there. I want to go to the Viking Princess Cafe in Shimotori (*´ω`pq゛

Cafetería más cercano

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